The First World War and the Russian Revolution

  • Triple Alliance

    The German Empire signed an agreement with
    Austria-Hungary and Italy, known as the Triple Alliance.
  • Moroccan crises

    The German Empire offered to help Morocco against France, who wanted to establish a protectorate in the region.
  • The Russian revolution

    A peaceful demonstration was held demanding the end of autocracy in Russia, but the tsar responded with brutal repression, this day is known as the: "Bloody Sunday". This continued until the tsar agreed to hold elections to the parliament by universal suffrage, however, he didn't keep this promise for long.
  • The Algeciras Conference

    This conference authorised a Franco-Spanish protectorate, this forced the Germans to back down in Morocco.
  • Triple Entente and arms race

    Triple Entente and arms race
    France, Russia and Britain signed a mutual aid pact, the Triple Entente.
    The mistrust between the Great Powers caused an arms race.
  • Austria-Hungary gains terrain

    Bosnia-Herzegovina was annexed by Austria-Hungary, this increased tensions in the Balkans.
    Austria-Hungary occupied Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia.
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    The Balkan wars

    The ottoman Empire was in a state of collapse, so the Austro-Hungarian Empire planned to gain power over the Balkans, however Serbia and Russia also wanted to occupy that zone.
    Serbia allied with Russia and emerged as the victor.
  • Franz Ferdinand assassination

    Franz Ferdinand assassination
    Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, was killed in Sarajevo by a Bosnian student who had links with Serbian nationalist organizations.
    This was one of the last straws that broke the camel's back, leading the Great war.
  • Austria-Hungary declares the war

    Austria-Hungary, encouraged by Germany, accused Serbia of the assassination and declared war on 28 July.
  • Germany declares the war

    Germany declares the war to France and began the German and French mobilisation
  • Germans new offensive

    The Germans launched a new offensive on the Western Front but were stopped by the French at the Battle of Verdun. The French and British then attacked the German lines at the Battle of the somme.
  • Romania enters the war

    Romania enters the war.
  • Russian revolution update

    Those who opposed tsarism saw the chance to end the regime and take power.
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    Russian revolution

    On 23 February there was a large demonstration in Petrograd, followed by a general strike and riots in the barracks.
    The tsar abdicated and a republic was proclaimed.
    It was headed by a provisional government, which promised to call constituent elections.
    The popular discontent grew, and the soviets wanted to withdraw from the war, so they started to demand the dismissal of the government.
    The forces that had united to end the tsar's rule started to brake up.
  • The tsar abdicate

    Tsar Nicholas abdicated his throne
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    The United States joins the war

    The United States joined the war for many reasons, but mainly as a consequence of the sinking of the US ocean liner, the Lusitania.
    This made the war a truly global conflict.
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    The Bolsheviks to power

    The Bolsheviks, with the help of the Soviets, created their own armed militia, the Red guards, and prepared for an insurrection on 25 October.
    The rebels occupied Petrograd, took the winter Palace and overthrew the provisional government.
    The revolution quickly spread.
    The second All-Russian Congress of Soviets, proclaimed a workers government led by Lenin, which included Trotsky and Stalin.
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    Bolsheviks to power

    Elections were held for the Constituent Assembly, convened by the provisional government.
    The Bolsheviks got only 25% of the seats, but they won a majority in cities and industrial regions.
    Lenin dissolved the Assembly and put an end to political pluralism due to the fear that groups opposing the revolution could take over Duma.
    The new government decreed the first revolutionary measures:
    The land was expropiated to distribute among peasant and workers committees were given control of factories.
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    Russian revolution and the Battle of the Marne

    Germany was defeated on the western front at the Second Battle of the Marne.
    The Civil war started, there were two Armys, the White and the Red.
    The White Army was formed by people who supported the return of tsarism, with the help of French, British, Japanese and American troops.
    The Red Army was formed by the Bolsheviks, leaded by Trotsky.
  • The end of the war

    The Kaiser abdicated and Germany surrended.
    The armistice was signed on 11 november 1918, bringing the war to an end.
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    Organisation of peace

    A conference was held in Paris to establish the terms for peace.
    The treaty of Versailles imposed the terms of peace with Germany, other treaties were signed with Austria, Bulgaria Hungary and the Otttoman Empire.
    They broke up Europe's empires and drew new borders.
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, this treaty drew new borders in Europe and ended the WW1.
    This imposed the terms of peace with Germany
  • The end of the civil war

    The Red army won the war due to better organisation, the socialist system of economy and great repressions against the opositors by the police.
  • Soviet republics

    The new USSR was founded.
    It was a federal state.
    Each republic had authority over justice, educationn and its language.
    The army, the economy, the foreign policy and the communis party were controlled by the capital.
    It was a totalitarian system with an uniwue party, the CPSU.