
The first war world

By laaia04
  • The murder in Sarajevo

    The murder in Sarajevo
    Gavrilo Princip kills Archduke Francisco Fernando de Habsburg, heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
  • First war is declared

    After a month of the murder, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.
  • The murder in France

    The murder in France
    Murder of the French socialist and pacifist leader Jean Jaures
  • Second war is declared

    Second war is declared
    Germany declares war on Russia. France and Germany declare general mobilization
  • Third war is declared

    Third war is declared
    Germany declares war with France
  • Fourth war is declared

    Fourth war is declared
    Japan declares war with Germany
  • Period: to


    25.000 members of the Assyrian-Chaldean community established in the west of the Euphrates River and in southern Turkey are massacred.
  • Attacks

    The Germans launch the first attack with toxic gases against the French and Canadian soldiers on the west front, between Langemarck and Ypres (Belgium)
  • Bulgaria enters the German side.

    Bulgaria enters the German side.
  • Beginning of the battle of Verdun

    500,000 dead, French and German.
  • English and French are distributed in the Middle East.

  • Germany declares war to Portugal

    Germany declares war to Portugal
  • Dies an emperor

    Dies an emperor
    The last Austro-Hungarian emperor, Francisco José I. dies.
  • Germany attacks

    Germany launches the submarine war at extreme cost, which precipitates the rupture of diplomatic relations with this country by the United States.
  • United States of America declares war to Germany

    United States of America declares war to Germany
  • China declares war to Germany

    China declares war to Germany
  • The British enter Jerusalem.

  • Flu spread

    Flu spread
    The Spanish flu spreads throughout the world causing 20 million deaths in eight months.
  • Germany launches the first of a series of four major offensives on the west front, but the Allies resist

  • The emperor of Germany, William II abdicates. Important demonstrations in Berlin

  • Victory of the Allies and armistice of the First World War.

    Victory of the Allies and armistice of the First World War.