
The first civilizations

By Ayden10
  • Period: 8000 BCE to 4000 BCE

    neolithic era

    they were the first to set up a civilization and they were farmers.
  • 5000 BCE

    started making civlilsation in the great river valley

    they have cities organized government art religon class divisions and writing systems
  • 3000 BCE

    many cities were developed in Mesopotamia

    many cities were developed in Mesopotamia
    cities were developing because of the rich soil for growing crops
  • 2340 BCE

    sargon captures Mesopotamia

    sargon captures Mesopotamia
    Sargon set ups the worlds first empire
  • 1800 BCE

    in the 1800 b.c. a new group arose in Mesopotamia

    in the 1800 b.c. a new group arose in Mesopotamia
    the group set up a city and called it Babylon near the Euphrates
  • 1792 BCE

    Hammurabi stared conquring cities

    Hammurabi stared conquring cities
    Hammurabi conqured cities and created the Babylonian empire
  • 1750 BCE

    laws were made

    laws were made
    king Hammurabi wrote 282 laws to govern the people of Babylon
  • 900 BCE

    the assyrian took over Meseopotamia

    the assyrian took over Meseopotamia
    the Assyrian took over Mesopotamia and attracted other people so they built a large army to protect there land
  • 650 BCE

    Chaldeans seized opportunity to rebel

    Chaldeans seized opportunity to rebel
    the chaldeans take down the assyrian empire
  • Period: 605 BCE to 562 BCE

    the chaladeans control Meseopotamia

    they control mesopotamia from 605 b.c to 562 b.c
  • 359 BCE

    people invaded

    people invaded
    people from in the mountains invaded and took over Babylon