The First Amendment

  • The new Charter of Rhode Island grants religious freedom.

    The new Charter of Rhode Island grants religious freedom.
    In the year 1663, King Charles the second, Ruler of England, granted the Royal Charter. The Royal Charter allowed Citizens in Rhode Island to govern their own colony and guarantee the freedom of religion and speech.
  • Eighteen Baptist Arrested

    Eighteen Baptist Arrested
    Throughout the early years of the 1700's and the 1900's the fight for religious liberty was known worldwide. Although many sections where persecuted the Baptist where arrested the most. In 1774 eighteen Baptist refused to pay taxes that support the Congregational Church.
  • Virginia's House of Burgesses

    Virginia's House of Burgesses
    In the year 1774 Virginia's House of Burgesses passes the Virginia Declaration of Rights, which is the first bill of rights to be added the the Constitution of America.
  • Religious Freedom

    Religious Freedom
    In 1786, Thomas Jefferson, one of the United States founding fathers, helped establish the State for Religious Freedom. It was a model for the first amendment and it helped create a clear split of the church and the state.
  • Warfare

    Not long after the United States went into world war 1 the Espionage act was passed. Which states means that it is illegal to give out information that has to do with the U.S. government.
  • Sedition Act

    Sedition Act
    The Sedition act was made mainly to keep the U.S from going into negativity by making it illegal to post,write, or print anything negative about the U.S government and what they do.
  • Roosevelt Pardons.

    Roosevelt Pardons.
    Many Presidents throughout time have pardoned many people. However President Franklin D. Roosevelt made an important change in history when he pardoned those who where committed under the Espionage Act during World War 1 when they first entered the war.
  • Smith Act

    Smith Act
    On June 29,1940 the U.S federal government passed the Smith Act due to Criminal Offensives to advocate the violent overthrow of the government.
  • Paris Adult Theatres

    Paris Adult Theatres
    The U.S Supreme Court ruled that any state may constitutionally prohibit that act of exhibitions of displays. Even if that means only allowing adults to enter.
  • Burning the Flag

    Burning the Flag
    Decided by the Supreme Court, burning the Flag was considered a form of freedom of speech. No one can keep you from doing it because it is protected by the Freedom of Speech act.
  • Religious Freedom Restriction Act

    Religious Freedom Restriction Act
    Throughout many years congress has found that the neutral law has had an affect religion. By being said this act states that the government cannot interfere with a persons belief.
  • Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association

    Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association
    In 2011 the U.S Supreme court rules that many video games are a form of speech that is protected by the very first amendment which states that Congress cannot make laws prohibiting others religion or speech. The court holds California's law that restricts people from selling or renting violent video games to minors. It states that it is unconstitutional.