Rising into power
Hitler becomes Germany's Chanceller -
Concentration Camp in Dachau
The concentration camp in Dachau, Germany is the first to open in Germany. -
Nuremberg Laws
The first anti-Jewish radical laws enacted. Jews are no long considered German citizens. -
200 Synagogues were destroyed. 7,500 Jewish shopes were looted; 30,000 male Jews were sent to the consentration camp. -
Expelled for being a Jew
All Jewish students were expelled from German schools. -
1 Billion mark fine
The Jews were fined with the 1 Billion mark for the destruction of property during Kristallnacht. -
Declaring War
World war 2 Just Started -
The Yellow Star
Jews in Germany and Poland were forced to wear an arm band or yellow star. -
The Lodz Ghetto
Lodz ghetto had 165,000 Jews in 1.6 miles. -
Germany v. Britian
Britian declares war against Germany -
The Warsaw Ghetto
The Warsaw ghetto had 50,000 Jews. -
Soviet Union invasion
Killing Squads accompamy German invasion of the Soviet Union. -
Period: to
Mass Murder
Mass murder of Russian Jews. 62,987 Jews were murdered through out that time period. -
First Killing center
First killing center begins operation. The Nazis opened five other camps to wipe out the Jews. -
The Final Solution
Wannsee Conference and the Final Solution. They discuss and coordinate the implemention of the final solution.