The Fight for Aboriginal Human Rights

By C.Z.Z
  • Settlers arrive in Australia

    Settlers arrive in Australia
    The first British settlers arrived in Sydney. The relationship between them and the natives were relatively friendly.
  • The Clashes Begin

    The Clashes Begin
    Governor Phillip was wounded by an Aboriginal due to a misunderstanding
  • Sickness and Disease

    Sickness and Disease
    The bodies of hundreds of natives washed up on beaches as they were dying from foreign diseases they had no immunity against. This increased suspicions Aboriginals had against the settlers
  • Tasmanian Relocation

    Tasmanian Relocation
    150 Tasmanian Aboriginal people had been moved to Flinders Island in the Bass Strait for their safety
  • Massacre at Myall Creek

    Massacre at Myall Creek
    Indigenous Australians had made his cattle and sheep stampede. causing a party of armed stockmen to get revenge. The roped 28 unarmed men, women and children of the Kwiambal people and slaughtered them.
  • Death of Tasmanian Aboriginal People

    Death of Tasmanian Aboriginal People
    The last of the Tasmanian Aboriginal people die
  • Australia becomes a nation

    Australia becomes a nation
    150000 people gathered in Sydney to celebrate the creation of a country: Australia. There were no Aboriginal Australians present.
  • Western Australian Government Report

    Western Australian Government Report
    Native prisoners were being chained by the neck, children used as slave labour and starvation rations being given out
  • Breeding out the colour

    Breeding out the colour
    Thousands of children with mixed European and Aboriginal descent were stolen from their families and many ended up in mission schools
  • 1928 Massacre

    1928 Massacre
    The death of a white mining prospector at Coniston Station resulted in about 100 Aborigines being killed by police.
  • Aborigines Claim Citizen Rights

    Aborigines Claim Citizen Rights
    This declaration was the first time Aboriginal people had made a national protest and many white Australians now started to take notice of their plight
  • More Visible During the War

    More Visible During the War
    Many Aborigines served in the armed forces for WW2 and thousands moved into the towns to work in wartime industries
  • Situation Report

    Situation Report
    Most were under the control of Protection and Welfare Boards, many were not paid, could not vote and were not regarded as Australian citizens
  • Freedom Riders demand equal treatment

    Freedom Riders demand equal treatment
    A group led by Aboriginal activist Charles Perkins made a bus tour through New South Wales and protested about Aboriginal discrimination
  • Gurindji people demand a better deal

    Gurindji people demand a better deal
    200 workers walked off the Wave Hill cattle station for better wages, conditions and their traditional land back.
  • White voters demand a better deal for the Aboriginals

    White voters demand a better deal for the Aboriginals
    90% voted yes for the Aboriginal people for their right to vote and ended the protection policies
  • Aboriginal tent embassy set up in Canberra

    Aboriginal tent embassy set up in Canberra
    The Embassy said that black were now going to get up and fight back on the issues of education, health, police victimisation and locking people up
  • Land rights to be granted to first Australians

    Land rights to be granted to first Australians
    A government commission recommended that Aboriginals should get back the land where they now lived and traditionally lived
  • First Aboriginal Land Rights Act

    First Aboriginal Land Rights Act
    This law only gave the indigenous people some areas of arid and largely useless land
  • Gurindji gain ownership

    Gurindji gain ownership
    The Gurindji eventually gained ownership of the Wave Hill cattle station area
  • Ending of Terra Nullius

    Ending of Terra Nullius
    The High Court agreed saying that terra nullius was wrong and racist
  • Native Title Act

    Native Title Act
    This allowed Indigenous Australians to claim land rights
  • The Commonwealth

    The Commonwealth
    Cathy Freeman carries both the Australiana and Indigenous flags
  • The Human Rights Commission

    The Human Rights Commission
    They did a report on this horror story and made a number of recommendations for the government
  • Corroboree

    250000 people walked across Sydney Harbour Bridge to be critical against the Prime Minister's refusal to say sorry to the Indigineous Australians for past wrongs
  • Marching

    400000 people marched in Melbourne critical of the Prime Minister's refusal to say sorry to the Indigenous Australians for past wrongs
  • A Long Way to Go

    A Long Way to Go
    Many Indigenous Australians are caught in a culture trap between their proud past and modern Australian life