
The Fierce War Of 1812

  • -Events leading up to the War-

    Many and many events lead up to this war like:
    * James Mdison being in office
    *British arming Native Americans in the Northwest U.S
    * Indians attacking U.S frontier
    *British continue impressments on American Sailors
  • Period: to


  • -War Declared-

    *U.S Congress declared war against British
  • -British fighting back-

    -British fighting back-
    *In the first few days of the war the Britian blockaded on the American Coast
  • -First Attempt ti Invade Canada-

    -First Attempt ti Invade Canada-
    *General William Hull enters Canada and fails the first three attempts
  • -War is just getting started-

    *Not at good time for British whoe were still in war against Euorope
    *Americans were convinced they were going to win from the begining
    *But Americans werent ready for War just yet
    *Jeffersons cuts weakened U.S military
    *U.S navyonly had 16 warships ready also the military were less than 7,000 men
  • -Battle on the Sea-

    *USS Constitution defeated the British Gueriere warship in a big battle
    *uss Costitution was the American boat that was nicknamed the Old Ironsides
  • -Capture of The city York-

    -U.S invades the city York and burns it down
  • -Battle of Lake Erie-

    -Battle of Lake Erie-
    *Captain Perry defeats the British at the Battle of Lake Erie
  • -Tecumseh-

    *Tecumseh the Shawnee War chief Dies in the battle of Thames
  • -Still fighting-

    *British had 135 warships blockading U.S ports
    *By end of war Britian had all the major ports of the U.S coast blocked
  • Andrew Jackson

    *Andrew Jackson defeats the British at the Battle of New Orleans
  • -Burning down the Nations Capital-

    *The British burns down Washington, DC the nations capital while President James Madison flees the Capital
  • -Battle of lake Champlain-

    *America has a victory and protects there northern border
  • -Star Spangled Banner-

    *The Battle of Baltimore takes place at Fort McHenry where Francis Scott Key wrote The Star Spangled Banner
  • -War is over-

    • Both sides sign the Ghent treaty over what became Christmas Eve.