Russo-Japanese War
Japan challanged Russia for power in Korea and Manchuria. Japan' armies defeated Russian troops in Manchuria, and its navy destroyed almost an entire Russian fleet. For the first time in modern time, an Asian power humbled a European nation. -
Bloody Sunday
Russian workers went on strike demanding worker's rights. Liberals called for a constitution and reforms to overhaul the government. They marked through the streets of St. Petersburg towards the Tsar's Winter Palace chanting prayers, singing hymns, carrying holy icons along with Tsar's pictures and a petition for justice and freedom.The Tsar fled the palace and soldiers shot the marchers, wounding and killing the majority. This killed faith and trust in the Tsar. -
Revolution of 1905
After Bloody Sunday, strikes multiplied, workers took over local governments, peasants revolted demanding more land, and minority nationalities called for autonomy. Nicholas promised freedom of person, conscience, speech, assembly, and union. He also assembled a Duma, or elected national legislature. -
Russia Joins World War I
Russia's ally Serbia was attacked and accused of assassination in Austria-Hungary. Russia entered after Austria declared war on Serbia because Russia had made itself guardian of all Slavic and Eastern Orthodox people who had for centuries been under the Ottoman Empire's domination. -
Grigori Rasputin
Tsar Nicholas's wife Alexandra relied on Rasputin, an illiterate peasant and self-proclaimed "holy man" to help her son that was diagnosed with hemophilia. His influence with Alexandra weakened confidence in the government so fearing for the monarchy, a group of Russian nobles killed him on December 29, 1916. -
Februrary Revolution
The Februrary Revolution began when riots and strikes over the scarcity of food erupts in Petrograd. Soon after, Tsar Nicholas abdicated and Russia took a dramatic step closer toward a communist revolution. -
The Abdication of the Tsar
Disasters on the battlefield and struggles at the homefront caused the Russian monarchy to collapse. Workers went on strike and the government was helpless. On advice of military and political leaders, the Tsar abdicated. Duma politicians set up a privincial government. Middle class liberas in the government prepared a constitution for a new Russian republic. -
Russian Civil War
Monarchists, militarists, and foreign nations that opposed Lenin's Bolheviks were known as whites while Bolsheviks were known as reds. The Brest-Litovsk peace agreement between Germany and Russia triggered the war. Whites wanted to restore provincial government. However, the red army won and a powerful dictatorship began. -
November Revolution
The November Revolution accounted for the overthrowing of the current Russian provincial government and power wasgiven to Soviets dominated by Bolsheviks. Bolshevik armed forces began the takeover of government buildings. Lenin came to power to start a communist state and promised the people peace, bread, and land. -
Russia Exists World War I
After several days of negotiations, a cease-fire was declared for Russia. Russia lost an enormous amount of territory. Their departure made danger for the allied forces as it closed the Eastern front. 1.7 million died in battle and 3 milion civilians perished. All in all, the country was left in chaos. -
The Death of the Romanovs
Nicholas, Alexandra and their chilren Olga, Tatiana,Maria, Anastasia, and Alexei were shot by Bolsheviks that awoken them by the impression that they were moving to a safe location due to impending chaos. The last to die were the women which were protected to an extent by diamonds that were sewn to their clothing. -
Formation of the USSR
Lenin's communist government united most of Russian's old empire. The new constitution seemed democratic and socialist. The Soviet Union was a multinational state made up of European and Asian people. As the largest republic, it dominated the others. -
Lenin's Death and Competition
Lenin's death set off a powr struggle for communist leaders. Trotsky and Stalin competed to replace him. Trotsky urged support for a world-wide revolution against capitalism. Stalin wanted to concentrate on building socialism at home first. Stalin had won power but before Lenin died he warned the people that Stalin used ruthless measures to win dictatorial power.