the fall of the roman republic

By mmnmn
  • 509 BCE

    overthrown monarchy

    the romans had overthrown the monarchy and they started an expansion that would cover the italian peninsula.
  • 439 BCE

    agreement between nations

    the romans signed a treaty or an agreement between nations with their neighbors the latins.
  • 390 BCE

    the gauls

    the Gauls ruined everything the gauls were a group of people from the north who attacked rome and eventually would destroy their city.
  • 275 BCE

    control of the peninsula

    they controlled the entire italian peninsula one of the ways they did that was by creating a massive army.
  • 133 BCE

    tiberius tribune

    Tiberius Gracchus gained his tribune.
  • 111 BCE

    jugerthine war

    The war constituted an important phase in the Roman subjugation of Northern Africa, and the rise of the empire, but Numidia did not become a Roman province until 46 BC. Following Jugurtha's usurpation of the throne of Numidia, a loyal ally of Rome since the Punic Wars, Rome felt compelled to intervene.
  • 104 BCE

    marius consul

    he defeated the Teutones at Aqua Sextiae and the Cimbri at Vercellae. For his victories he was hailed as "the third founder of Rome" (the first two being Romulus and Camillus).
  • 90 BCE

    social war

    Social War, also called Italic War, or Marsic War, (90–89 bc), rebellion waged by ancient Rome's Italian allies (socii) who, denied the Roman franchise, fought for independence.
  • 88 BCE

    Sulla and the First Mithridatic War

    They are named after Mithridates VI, the King of Pontus who initiated the hostilities after annexing the Roman province of Asia into its Pontic Empire (that came to include most of Asia Minor) and committing massacres against the local Roman population known as the Asian Vespers.
  • 71 BCE

    Crassus crushes Spartacus

    Spartacus (approximately 100–71 BCE), was a gladiator from Thrace who led a major revolt against Rome.