
The Fall of the Roman Empire

By Dawgg.
  • 153

    Founding of Rome

    Founding of Rome
    Actual founding date was BC 753.
    <a href=""><b>The Founding of Rome</b></a>
    Rome was founded in 753
    It was before Christ, so that's BC.
    The twins made it happen,
    So they all started clapping!
    A city you can't wait to see. The city of Rome was founded by Romulus on the hill of Palatine. Romulus had a twin named Remus but Romulus killed Remus during the debate of where Rome should be founded and who should rule Rome.
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    Constantine became the first Christian Emperor

    Constantine became the first Christian Emperor
    Constantine the Great was the first emperor to convert to Christianity. He issued the Edict of Milan which demanded religious tolerance. Constantine was born on February 27, 207 and died on May 22nd, 337. In his reign he had a partner but was said to have defeated him. He also was said to have broken treaty's with allied countries.
  • 330

    Constantine built a new capital in the East at Constinantinople (Byzantium)

  • 401

    Alaric invades Italy

    in 401, Alaric, the leader of the Visigothic Tribe decided to try and invade Italy. The Roman general Flavius Stilicho lead his army to victory and forced the Visigoth's to withdraw from continuing their attack. Alaric's hopes were not crushed and they did try to attack again. On the second attack, Alaric managed to force the Senate of Rome to pay a large amount of money to the Visigoths.
    More information for The Visigoth's here.
  • 476

    Final Collapse of the Roman Empire

    More Information on the Final Collapse of the Roman Empire.
    Odovacar removed the last Western Roman Emperor, Romulus Agustulus, therefor ending the reign of the emperors over Rome. Previously Rome had many bad emperors; leading to unstability. People continued to migrate elsewhere and the economy notably declined. There were plagues and other diseases that affected the people as well. The war between the Visigoths and the Roman Senate also was a key factor.
  • Period: to

    "Golden Period"

    Actual time period occured 27 BC - 180 AD* Peaceful period in Rome's history.
  • Alaric seized control of Rome

    Before the Visigoths seized control of Rome, the had previously had to attack, attack, and then finally attack again. On the last attack, the Senate ended up paying a very large endowment to them and also agreed for them to have a meeting with the Emperor, Honorius. When Alaric tried to negotiate a time to go meet with him, Honorius dismissed him. After that, Alaric decided to surround Rome. Honorius let the Visigoths in and they occupied Rome for three days, destroying everything in their path.
  • Visigoths and Rome's Treaty is Annulled

    In 394, a treaty between the Visigoths and Rome was created. The Roman Emperor at the time was known as Theodosius. The Visigoths, being led by Alaric I, fought one war with Rome against the Huns. Before Theodosius's death, he divided the Roman Empire into two separate parts, the Eastern and Western Empires. Once Theodosius did die, the treaty between the Visigoth's and the Roman's was relinquished.
  • Diocletian divided empire into two in order to make it easier to control

    Taxes and traded good from the provinences were putting a financial bind on Rome. Money was needed to build more roads, but the provinences needed supplies. Rome needed more growth because they needed more reigns to tax. To help fix some of the issues present, Diocletian thought it would help to divide the empire in two.
    Link to Website
  • Colosseum: Arena of Death

    Colosseum: Arena of Death
    Origanally called the Flavian Amphitheatre, the colosseum was built in the center of Rome, Italy. The colosseum could hold up to 50,000 people and held battles in which gladiators fought to the death. Not only that but it held public spectacles such as mock sea battles, animal hunts, executions, re-enactments of famous battles, and dramas based on Classical mythology. The colosseum was ignored during the Early Medieval era, causing it to get ruined because of earthquakes and stone-robbers.
  • Vespasian dies; Titus becomes Emperor of Rome

    Actual date BC 79.
    Vespasian was the founder of the Flavian Dynasty, which ruled for a quarter of a century. Vespasian was the ruler for 9 years and 357 days. Vespasian was born on November 17th and died June 23rd. He had three kids, with the oldest, Titus becoming emporer after the death of Vespasian. For more information on Vespasian's life, click