Rome italian school

The Fall of Rome:From Republic to Empire

By D123
  • 100

    Pax Romana

    Pax Romana
    Video of Pax Romana
    28 B.C.E.-193 C.E. was the time of Pax Romana (Roman Peace) that began with Augustas Caesar when he became the first Roman Emperor.
  • Period: 100 to 500

    100 C.E.-500C.E.

  • 161

    Marcus Aurelius Becomes Emperor

    Marcus Aurelius Becomes Emperor
    161 C.E.-180 C.E. is when Marcus Aurelius became Emperor. He was the last of the 5 good emperors who unified the empire economically. However, he spent most of his time defeating rebellions and fighting off invasions. The only bad decision he made was when he chose his son, Commodus, to be the Emperor. Pax Romana ended when he died.
  • 306

    Constantine: Battle of the Milvian Bridge

    Constantine: Battle of the Milvian Bridge
    Video of the Battle of Milvian Bridge
    312 C.E.-337 C.E.- Constantine, a successful general, became emperor, and declared civil war against Licinius in 312 C.E. He was outnumbered and had a weak army. Before the battle, he looked up to the sky and saw a P with an X in the middle that said, "under this sign you will conquer'. He believed it was sent from the Christian gods. He put that symbol on shields of his soldiers and was victorious.
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    Constantine granted the freedom of worship, strongly encouraged the spread of Christianity.
  • 330

    Constantine Moves Capital of Rome

    Constantine Moves Capital of Rome
    Constantine moves the capital of the Roman Empire from Rome to Byzantium. He changes the name to Constantinople which means, "city of Constantine". He moved because Byzantium has better trade routes, both by land and by sea. They can also trade with Asia in Constantinople. The Silk Road also runs through Constantinople, so there are more goods to export and import.
  • 337

    Invasions of the Roman Empire

    Invasions of the Roman Empire
    Video of the Invasion of the Roman Empire
    Constantine dies in 337 C.E. Germanic tribes called barbarians attack the empire.
  • 476

    Final Collapse of the Roman Empire

    Final Collapse of the Roman Empire
    Video of the Fall of the Roman Empire
    In 476 C.E., the Ostragoths led the final collapse of the Roman Empire. It is gone completely. However, the Eastern Empire still stayed strong after Rome fell. It became the Byzantine Empire.
  • Commodus Becomes Emperor

    Commodus Becomes Emperor
    180 C.E.-192 C.E. was when Commodus ruled. He was the son of Marcus Aurelius who began the decline of the Roman Empire. He was more interested in entertainment than he was in government. He also allowed others to help him run the empire. When the Empire ran short of money, he decided to kill the wealthy citizens to collect their money for the government. He was assassinated on 12/31 in the year 192 C.E.
  • Empire Crumbles

    Empire Crumbles
    There is a new religion called monotheistic (which is Christianity) but there are still people who belive in polytheism. Nero, the new emperor, burns down rome amd blames it on the Christians. The polytheistcs are very upset by this, so they start to execute Christians. All of this began under Commodus, but he was not the main reason. There were also several weak, corrupt leaders who hired mercenary armies which caused serious economic problems.
  • Diocletian Becomes Emperor

    Diocletian Becomes Emperor
    284 C.E.-305 C.E. is when Diocletian ruled the Roman Empire. He appointed a co-emperor to rule after he divided the Empire in half which can also be considered a tetrarchy. He gives the Western half of the Empire to Maximian, so Diocletian takes the Eastern half. The East is a better half to rule because it has better trade routes, it can defend better, and it has a smaller border, but bigger military. The West is worse because of its bigger border, smaller military, and less access to trade.