the fall of rome

  • 493 BCE

    Rome signed a treaty between nations with the Latins

    the treaty stated "there shall be peace between the romans and their latin neighbors as long as heaven and earth endure"
  • 390 BCE

    The Gauls attacked rome and destroyed their city

    Rome had to pay huge amounts of gold to get their land back
  • 275 BCE

    Rome controlled the entire italian peninsula

    They did this by creating a massive army
  • 241 BCE

    1st punic war

    rome won the first punic war
  • 201 BCE

    2nd punic war happens

    after the 2nd war rome gained a portion of spain
  • 146 BCE

    3rd punic war

    Rome won! then rome takes over land
  • 81 BCE

    sulla takes over rome's government

  • 59 BCE

    Julius caesar begins to rule instead on sulla

    sulla is gone and now its caesar ruling and he made rome a empire
  • 49 BCE

    civil war begins

  • 44 BCE

    caesar dies