The Fall of Rome

  • 200

    A.D. 200s

    A.D. 200s
    In the A.D. 200s Rome's economy began to fall apart and the government weakened.
  • 235

    A.D. 235

    A.D. 235
    In A.D. 235 Rome's became very weak and army leaders fought each other for the throne.
  • 284

    A.D. 284

    A.D. 284
    In A.D. 284, a general named Diocletian became emperor and introduced reforms to stop the emperors decline.
  • 300

    Late 300s

    Late 300s
    In the Late 300s, the Huns entered eastern Europe and defeated the Ostrogoths.
  • 312

    A.D. 312

    A.D. 312
    After a period of conflict, a new emperor named Constantine decided to make everyone follow their fathers occupation.
  • 378

    A.D. 378

    A.D. 378
    In the A.D. 378, the Visigoths rebelled against the Romans and defeated them.
  • 395

    A.D. 395

    A.D. 395
    In A.D. 395 the Roman Empire split into two separate empires.
  • 406

    A.D. 406

    A.D. 406
    In A.D. 406, Germanic groups crossed over a frozen and entered Gaul that is now France today.
  • 410

    A.D. 410

    A.D. 410
    Visigoth leader Alaric and his soldiers captured Rome itself.
  • 455

    A.D. 455

    A.D. 455
    The Vandals entered Rome.
  • 476

    A.D. 476

    A.D. 476
    A Germanic general named Odoacer took control of Rome.
  • 550

    A.D. 550

    A.D. 550
    By A.D. 550 the Western Roman Empire had faded away