I was born at 12:46 am on May 7th, 2001, in Mecosta County General Hospital weighing in at 6lbs 11oz. -
I said my first word on this day and it was "mama." My dad was super upset about it because I was definitely a daddies girl. -
Moving day
In this year we moved to South Carolina because my dad joined the Navy. We lived here for 3 years before we moved back to Michigan. -
Burnt to a crisp!
One day, during this year, my sister Alissa was watching me play in the grass in the front yard and she looked away from me and I had started walking across the street to see the neighbors. Since we lived in South Carolina the street was extremely hot and it burnt the bottom of my feet and they were covered with blisters for weeks. -
Emma was born!
My little sister graced our presence on September 4 of this month and I couldn't have been more excited to have a baby sister! -
Bye bye binki!
This year was a very difficult one for me. My mom finally gave up on buying me binkis so when i would chew them up she wouldn't buy me a new one and I cried over it for weeks. -
Lindsey's Wedding
My cousin Lindsey was getting married so she had all her younger cousins be flower girls for her wedding. -
Grandpa Smith Died
On December 11, 2007 my Grandpa got in a car accident on his way home from work and died immediately. -
Great Wolf Lodge
Starting this year, we started a tradition where my grandparents would pay for all the families to go to Great Wolf Lodge and this was the beginning of the tradition. -
Got my ears pierced
My parents had a rule that you could only get your ears pierced when you turned 8 so this was a big year -
Barack Obama got Elected President
Giddy Up!
My cousins bought a cottage and it was right by an amish family with tons of horses so they let us ride their horses. It was the first time I had ever rode a horse so it was a super exciting day because when I was little I wanted to be on the equestrian team. -
Broke my arm:(
On Valentines day in the 4th grade we went sledding behind our school. I was the first to go down the hill and we hit a huge bump and i flew out and fell on my wrist and broke both the bones in my arm. To this day we still have that nasty cast in our storage room. -
Bye bye Booster seat!
When i finally turned 11 my mom finally let me get out of a booster seat. I was so little she was worried that it was unsafe for me not to be in one. I didn't reach the weight requirement and she thought you had to reach the age and weight requirement before you could get out of it. -
Queen Elizabeth hit her 60 year anniversary in British Monarchy
Graduated Nickels!
This was a big year for me because it was the first time i ever switched friend groups. I used to hang out with one group and they started doing drugs and drinking so I changed to Ellise's friend group. -
We got our first and only dog during this year. My aunt had a dog and she got knocked up by the neighbor dog without them even knowing and they had 13 puppies so my aunt made us all take a puppy because nobody wanted a chocolate lab/boxer mix. -
Broke my nose!
All my life I had grown up playing soccer until i got to middle school and thought i was too cool for it, but in 8th grade i decided that I wanted to play again so i tried out for the team and made it then during the third game Sofia Trout shouldered me when she was getting off the field and she broke my nose. I had to have two surgeries to repair all the damage that was done. -
Washington here I come!
I nannied a family of four little kids and there dad finished residency so they moved to Washington. About a year later they had me fly out to stay with them and it was the first time I had ever flown alone. Since then i have flown alone probably 6 times. -
Orlando Shooting
Killed 50 people in a mass shooting. -
This was probably the most freedom I had every had, getting my license. I was the last one out of all my friends so it was so exciting when i finally got it. -
Kamber (my oldest sister) got married to the love of her life Ethan on June 7. All the family went out to Utah and it was literally so much fun! She had singing and dancing and load of bunt cakes.