
The exploration of Lewis and Clark

  • land is bought

    land is bought
    Presadent Gearge Washington buys the Louisiana Purchas.
  • Expidition started

    Expidition started
    Lewis and Clark set out to explore the Louisiana Purchase.
  • Has a meeting for Indians

    Has a meeting for Indians
    Lewis and Clark have a meeting with the indians and gives them meadles and other goods
  • Sargen Charls Floyed dies

    Sargen Charls Floyed dies
    Sargent Charls Floyed dies of natral causesl.
  • Sacaawea's son is born

    Sacaawea's son is born
    Sacagawea's aon is born with the help of Clark witch nick named him Pompo
  • One of the keel boats tipped

    One of the keel boats tipped
    One of their keel boat tipped over and sacagawea helped save it
  • the last river to the ocean

    the last river to the ocean
    Lewis and Clark find the last river to go to the pacific ocean
  • deciding

    the group has to dicide where the winter hed quarters are going to be
  • going home

    going home
    Lewis and Clark pack up to go home
  • We reterned

    We reterned
    Lewis and Clark retern from their expedition