Period: to
Expansion of America
Presidential Election
John Quincy Adams won the Presidential election of 1824 -
Erie Canal Is opened
1828 Presidential Election
Andrew Jackson is elected president -
Nulification Crisis
Spoils System
Andrew Jackson introduces the spoil system -
Nat Turner's Rebellion
About 60 white people are killed and Turner is executed. -
Worcester v. Georgia
Indian Territory Founded
Texas Revolution
Second Seminole War
Seminole War in Florida -
arkansas is admitted as a state -
Michigan is admitted as a state -
Trail of Tears
Indian Removal Act -
John Tyler
John Tyler is elected president -
Oregon Trail
Annexation of Texas is Defeated in the Senate
West is Mapped
John C. Fremont maps the West. -
James Polk
James Polk is elected president -
Florida is admitted as a state -
Annexation of Texas
Oregon Territory
Brigham Young leads Mormons to the Great Salt Lake in UT. -
Iowa is admitted as state -
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
ended mexican war -
Mexican Cession
US gained full control of California, and New Mexico territories -
Gold is found in Californis
Gold rush begins in California -
wisconsin is admitted as state -
around 90,000 49ers moved to California during gold rush -
California is Admitted to the Union
Gadsden Purchase
US purchased what is now lower border of New Mexico and Arizona from Mexico -
Kansas Nebraska Act
Kansas-Nebraska Act allows the slavery question to be decided by popular sovereignty; starts violent battles between pro- and anti-slavery groups in Kansas. -
Minnesota admitted as a state -
Oregon is admitted -
Pony Express