The Goals to drive excellence and innovation
Period: to
The District of Excellence and Innovation
Professional Development
Content Support Resource Teachers and Cohorts 1 and 2 collaborating to share Common Core in productive collaborative professional development with all VUSD teachers -
Evaluating student needs for technology and support
Begin implementing district wide technology and software, to support common core implementation, identified after piolts are completed. Implementation and training would be based on student need. -
Teachers and adminsitrators will participate in evaluation processes that include feedback, professional development, growth mindset, and growth models. Student acheivment will be one part phased in over time. -
One to One Devices
Ensuring students have access to one to one device district wide to provide access to curriculum and platform to showcase learning -
Blended learning
Blended learning opportunies are introduced K-12 to allow students expanded opportunties and access to global learning. -
Students participate in online assessments in all subject areas and grade levels using an online portfolio to complile learning and provide resources for sites to support students using individualized plans. This will provide students opportunities for learning in multiple environments inlcuding personal work, group work, and videoes of learning. -
Professional Development continues
Monitoring professional Development continues with Networks of sites, administrators, and management working to colloaborate and integrate more indepth tools available to support student learning. Collaboration will be our continued focus. This will include parent meetings, town hall meetings, think tanks, network meetings, and PLCs. These can be face to face or online. -
Monitoring Progress
With full implementation of Common Core evaluation of program implementation will take place.
Student progress and virtual portfolios will be managed K-12 to help continue individual learning and monitoring on areas of need will be provided by individual teachers. Interventions will be aviailable online to help support needs with face to face time provided for students by sites. -
Full Implementation of CCSS
Full implementation of CCSS to include service based learning, project based learning, content, resources, assessments, monitoring tools as well as support in helping students to monitor A-G requirements that support college and career readiness and 21 st century skills to help students with becoming productive citizens. Professional development will continue to staff and parents to help in providing support for student learning. -
Continue Monitoring and Evaluation
VUSD will support continued implementation of CCSS with updates in professional development, technology, and monitoring of assessments and evaluation of current programs and resources available to staff, parents, and students.