Still Image Transferred
Abbe Giovanna Caselli invents the Pantelegraph and is first person to transmit a still image over wires. Image Source -
18 Lines of Resolution
By using a rotating metal disk technology, Paul Nipkow sends images over wires and calls it the electric telescope with 18 lines of resolution. Image Source -
First Television System
Lee de Forest invents the essential to electronics, Audion vacuum, which was the first tube with the ability to amplify signals.
Boris Rosing builds the first working mechanical TV system. Image Source -
30 lines of Resolution
John Baird operates a television system with 30 lines of resolution system that runs at 5 frames per second. Image Source -
First TV License
The first television station license is issued to Charles Jenkins by the Federal Radio Commission. Image Source -
First Tv Advertisement
Charles Jenkins broadcasts the first Television commercial.
The BBC starts regular TV transmissions. Image Source -
Colour TV System
Image Source 343 lines of resolution color television system is invented by Peter Goldmark. -
Approval of First Colour TV
The FCC approves the first color television standard which is replaced by a second in 1953. Image Source -
First Remote Control
Robert Adler invents the first remote control called the Zenith Space Commander. IMG SRC http://g-ecx.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/aplus/detail-page/PTCDS7UIB_remote.jpg -