Period: to
Computer Evolution
Z1 comuter introduced
The Z1 computer was introduced in 1940. It was the first computer to use the binary system of 0's and 1's. It was used to solve complex engineering equations. -
Eniac is up and running
Eniac is finished, and is fully operational. It is the first general purpose electric computer. -
Magnetic Memory invented
In 1952 Jay Forrester developed magnetic memory at the Massachusettes Institute of Technology. -
Hard Drive invented
IBM introduces the first hard drive. It has a memory of only 5 MB and costs over $1,000,000. -
The mouse
In 1963 Douglas Engelbart recieved the patent for the modern "mouse". -
The first mass produced microprocessor
The first mass-produced microprocessor, the Intel 4004 processor, developed by Ted Hoff, is introduced. It can process four bits of data simultaneously at a rate 60,000 instructions per second and has its own arithmetic logic unit. -
The first apple computer
Steven Jobs and Stephen Wozniak design and build the first Apple computers, the Apple 1, in the Jobs' family garage. -
The first CD
In Sony Announces the development of the Compact Disk (CD) which until recently dominated household data storage. It continues to dominate in certain fields of entertainment media. -
Iphone released
The iphone is released, it is the first commercial smart phone and is capable of download applications which can perform different functions and features. -
Windows 7 introduced
Microsoft's most widespread operating system yet was released and is the most used software in the world. It, along with its predecessors have revolutionized home computer use.