The Evolution of the Age of Exploration

  • 1453

    Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire

    Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire
    The fall of Constantinople, the capitol of the Byzantine Empire or the Eastern Roman Empire. This resulted in a significant part of Eastern Europe being ruled by the Ottomans, forcing the creation of new trade routes.
  • 1488

    Bartolomeu Dias rounded the Cape of Good Hope

    Bartolomeu Dias rounding the Cape of Good Hope, then venturing into the Indian ocean was a huge landmark for Portuguese exploration. This would mark the Portuguese as some of the top explorers of their time.
  • 1492

    Columbus begins exploring for Spain

    Christopher Columbus, an Italian explorer sailing on behalf of Spain, began his expeditions in 1492. This would, to many, mark the spark which would eventually ignite the flame of the Spanish Empire.
  • 1498

    Vasco De Gama lands in India

    This was one of the most important moments in the Age of Globalization, and marked a big turning point for the developing Portuguese Empire. The control of Goa as a trading port established their dominance as a trading empire.
  • 1519

    Hernan Cortés first makes contact with the Aztec empire

    This event was very important in the establishment of the Spanish Empire. It would give rise to the wave of conquistadors, and would lead to the Spanish conquest of South America.
  • 1529

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    The Treaty of Tordesillas was a legal document which split the claims of the Portuguese and Spanish empires. This document was truly concrete proof of the establishment of both the Portuguese and Spanish empires.
  • 1530

    Fall of the Aztec and Incan Empires

    This event established Spanish dominance on the South American continent, especially upon the Native populations. This would create the foundation for what we know now as the South American countries.
  • First arrival of the Jamestown Settlers

    This would mark a large impact on the efforts of colonialism, especially on the New World. This would mark the beginning of English impact upon the New World.
  • French and Dutch establish colonies in the Americas

    This event truly shows how many European powers were trying to include themselves in the efforts of colonialism. It was proving to become highly popular.
  • Beginning of the American Revolution

    This marked the beginning of the American Revolution, which was one of the most important events marking the end of the Age of Exploration. It shows how much dominance the Europeans had established in America.