
The Evolution of Public Education

  • First State Board of Education

    First State Board of Education
    The first State Board of Education provided a base for universal education. Horace Mann, the first secretary of education, called for Common Schools. They were not perfect, but they opened the door to a future of free public education for all children, and created space for American children from diverse backgrounds to learn together.
  • Morrill Act

    Morrill Act
    The Morrill Act broadened the fields available in higher education. College level education was made a reality for more Americans. Widespread availability led to great economic advances, and stronger demand for free public education.
  • Start of the Child Study Movement

    Start of the Child Study Movement
    Learning about how children learn and develop helped teachers better educate their students. Education started to shift from being subject centered to child centered. A blend of child and subject centered approaches are key to effectively educating children.
  • IDEA Act

    IDEA Act
    The IDEA Act and prior legislation allowed students with disabilities to have a more active role in society. Previously they had been cast to the side, but they are intelligent and creative PEOPLE! They deserve to have a place in society just like any other person, and an appropriate education can help them so just that.
  • Common Core Standards

    Common Core Standards
    Common Core Standards provide a common goal for all students to bring unity. If every school sets their own standards, educational achievement becomes a moving target. It is difficult to define success if the target is constantly moving.