The evolution of online education

  • The beginning of correspondence learning.

    The beginning of correspondence learning.
    1728 - This advertisement was placed by Caleb Phillips in the Boston Gazette. It may be one of the earliest references to correspondence, distance learning.
  • The First academic in absentia degree programs.

    The First academic  in absentia degree programs.
    1873 - Illinois Wesleyan College was the first academic institution to to offer "in absentia" degree programs.
  • Radio learning

    Radio learning
    1894 - Guglielmo Marconi invented the spark transmitter and obtained the first patent for a radio device. This lead the way to educators exploring new ways to communicate and reach out to their learners.
  • The first federal licensed radio station for education.

    The first federal licensed radio station for education.
    1919 - WHA, The first federally licensed radio station dedicated to education, was started by professors at the University of Wisconsin.
  • Daily learning programs

    Daily learning programs
    1928 - The Ohio School of the Air programmed was started offering such things as daily science, literature, history, and music programming. "The Music Appreciation Hour" was developed by the National Broadcasting Company (NBC), introducing kids to symphony orchestra and music.
  • Television broadcasting for education.

    Television broadcasting for education.
    1933 - The University of Iowa was the first to experiment with the use television broadcasting for education.
  • The first consumer online services.

    The first consumer online services.
    1989 - The University of Phoenix began using CompuServe, one of the first consumer online services.
  • Welcome the World Wide Web.

    Welcome the World Wide Web.
    1991 - the World Wide Web (Web) was unveiled, and the University of Phoenix became one of the first to offer online education programs through the Internet.
  • BlackBoard

    1997 - Blackboard Inc. developed a standardized platform for course management and delivery that enabled many more institutions to come online.
  • YouTube

    YouTube where the world goes to learn. Youtube the worlds university.
  • Google university

    Google university
    I believe that in the future Google will offer low cost degrees, as they already offer free Certification that help you seek employment.
  • Virtual reality teaching

    Virtual reality teaching
    virtual reality (VR) training could play an important role in automation, changing the learned skills that student need to perform in their careers.