Unknown 52

The Evolution of Medicine in the Ninteenth Century

  • American Medical Association

    American Medical Association
    The American Medical Association is founded.
  • First Female Medical Specialist

    First Female Medical Specialist
    Elizabeth Blackwell becomes the first American women to earn a medical degree. She studied obstetrics and gynecology at the Geneva Medical College in New York.
  • Microorganisms

    Louis Patsuer realizes that microorganisms such as bacteria and virus are responsible for many human and animal illnesses. He then proceeds to discover the bacteria and viruses responsible for for different diseases such as cholera and scurvies.
  • Experimental Medicine

    Experimental Medicine
    Claude Bernard thinks that more practice with experimental medicine will maximize the survival rate for patients.
  • Dis - infection

    Dis - infection
    Joseph Lister noticecd that disinfection tended to reduce post - operative infection. His article in the newspaper becomes a revolutionary article. After his article was published, deaths caused by infection went from 60% of deaths to 4%.
  • Sale of Drugs

    Sale of Drugs
    The sale of certain drugs was restricted by law. These drugs included heroin and marijuana. now, they were only aloud to be used for severe medical cases.
  • Cholera Vaccine

    Cholera Vaccine
    The first version of the cholera vaccine is created. Before then, there were outbreaks of cholera very often in Canada, and this vaccine solved that re - ocurring problem.
  • Isolation of Microorganisms

    Isolation of  Microorganisms
    Robert Koch isolates the microorganism which causes tuberculosis, which was the leading cause of death at the time.
  • Rabies Vaccine

    Rabies Vaccine
    Louis Pasteur developed the first vaccine for rabies.
  • Isolation of Microorganisms

    Isolation of Microorganisms
    Robert Koch figures out what microorganism is responsible for cholera and isolates it. By doing this, he also figured out cholera is a bacterial infection.