School museums created in St. Louis
Museums housed supplementary materials that teachers could use to complement the textbook. -
Visual Education teacher's guide book created
This guide instructed teachers on how to best use lantern slides and stereographs. -
First catalog of Instructional films was published
The motion picture was the first device in schools. -
Rochester, New York schools first adopt use of films in school
Schools used films as a part of regular instruction. -
Period: to
Use of radio broadcasting, sound recording, sound motion picture
The increased interest in visual and audio technologies changed were introduced to the field of education. -
Training Films for U.S. Military
Over a 1,000 film strips were created to help train U.S. military personnel during World War II. These were found to be effective training in preparing soldiers. -
Carnegie Foundation supports Educational Television
Sesame Street and other children generated televisions shows withe the support of the Ford Foundation and Carnegie Foundation. -
Computers used in instructional purposes
Oregon Trail was used on early computers for history education. -
Internet used in school setting
Schools began to digital technology and the Internet to enhance the educational setting. -
17 percent increase in online education
An estimated 4.6 million students were enrolled in online education offered in higher education institutions..