BCE Handprints
Prehistoric (exact date unknown) cave paintings and carvings in many countries, such as France and Spain, depict handprints and fingerprints. They are the first know example of the use of such prints. -
BCE Hand Drawing
A prehistoric (exact date unknown) depiction of a hand was discovered in Nova Scotia. It shows specific ridges, showing human attention to the print's detail. -
BCE Signatures
Fingerprints were used by the ancient Babylonians to sign business deals on clay tablets (exact date unknown). -
Period: 100 to Jan 1, 1200
Check Description for Correct Date
Most dates incorrect because of lack of BCE option -
Hammurabi's Code
In about 1772 BC Hammurabi, a Babylonian king, wrote a set of laws. They consisted strict "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" policies, providing strict punishment (usually death) for criminals. An ancient copy of the code was discovered, and it now lies in the Louvre. -
Ancient Thumbprints
Thumbprints were used in 700 BC era china to identify oneself on important documents. Thumbprints were also found on clay seals. However, no system existed for them to actually identify who's print it was. In modern times, the tradition of signing imporatant documents with a thumbprint still occurs in China. -
The Donkey Lie Detector
In 500 BC, ancient Indian priests would place possible thieves in a pitch-black tent with a donkey whose tail was covered in ash. The priests told the suspects to pull the donkey's tail, and that if the tail was pulled by a theif the donkey would bray. If a suspect left without soot on his hands, it was presumed that he was guilty and afraid to touch the donkey for fear of being revealed. -
The "Eureka" Legend
It is said the around 287 BC the Greek philosopher Archimedes used water displacement and weight to prove that a crown was not solid gold. -
Greek Lie-detector
Around 250 BCE, Erasistratus (an ancient Greek doctor) discovered that the pulse of his patients was more rapid when they were lying. By figuring this out, he basically developed the first lie detector test. -
First Autopsy
In 44 BC, Antistius, a Roman doctor, examined the body of Julius Caesar after he was killed. He discovered that out of 23 stab wounds, it was only the one to the head that ultimately killed him. -
Jan 1, 1000
First Forensic Evidence in Court
In 1000 AD, Quintilian, a Roman lawyer, proved that a blind man was being framed for his mother's murder by presenting bloody palm prints as evidence. -
Commercialization of Arsenic
Arsenic oxide was first commercialized in 800 AD, and soon caught on as the go-to poison for the upcoming centuries. Arsenic is a compound created by the processing of ores from lead and iron mining, and it is highly poisonous to humans. Aresenic went on to kill the Borgia family, Pope Alexander VI, George Wythe, and more. It is still sold today as rat poison, and people are still murdered with it. -
First Forensic Dentistry
Around 49 AD, Agrippina (mother of Roman emperor Nero) identified the magled head of Lollia Paulina, an enemy empress she had had killed, based solely on her recognition of Lollia's discolored front tooth.