Period: Jan 1, 1348 to Jan 1, 1351
Black Plague
The Black Plage, or also know as The Bubonic Plague, started in Asia, and moved to Europe through flees living on rodents. This plague caused a lot of devestationto the people and almost made europe crumble due to the many death, from peasants (mostly) and all the way to the higher class men. -
Period: Jan 1, 1350 to Jan 1, 1550
The Renaissance
The Renaissance started in Italy, and spread its way to Europe. The literal translation for Renaissance is "rebirth" and during the Renaissance, there was a rebirth of modern ideas and technology -
Period: Jan 1, 1415 to Jan 1, 1417
Council of Constane burns Hus and ends Great Schism
Jon was burned at the stake for "witchcraft" because he claimed that God was the head of the Church not the Pope, Which obviously caused anger to the Pope and the people of the Church. And they burned him -
Period: Jan 1, 1450 to
The age of Exploration
During this time period, many countries in europe seeked land and wealth from all over the world, Asia, India, North and south America. Also, the theory of Mercantalism rose. -
May 29, 1453
Fall of Constantinople
Constatntinople fell to the Islamic people, and the name was changed to Istanbul; -
Oct 19, 1453
End of Hundred Years' War
Bordeux gave up to the English, therefore ending the war -
Jan 1, 1455
Invention of Printing Press
The printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg, the first thing he printed was the bible -
Jan 1, 1474
Canterbury Tales Published
The book "Canterbury Tales" was writen by Chaucer. He wrote this book to criticize the church and the corruption in it. -
Jan 2, 1492
Completion of Reconquista in Spain
Granada is conquered by the christian army of King Ferdinand V and Queen Isabella l. The muslims living there are forced to convert to chritianity, leave the are, or be killed. -
Oct 12, 1492
Columbus encounters America
Columbus left Spain to find another route to India, but accidentally land on some land that we know today as America. He discovers people living there, and calls them "Indians" because he thought he was in India. He becomes friend with them for a little while until he takes over their villages and uses them as slaves. -
Period: Jan 1, 1500 to
Early modern society
Early modern Europe started during the Renaisance, and ended somewhere around the French revolution. Througout this period the printing press was made, the Reformation and the Scientific Reformation, and the Enlightment happened -
Period: Jan 1, 1500 to
Price Revolution
The price revolution was a time in european history where there was inflation due to the increase money they were getting from the Americas. This caused people to raise their prices, since there was more money to go around -
Period: Jan 1, 1500 to
Protestant and Catholic Reformations
Catholic churches became corrupt with money, they were selling indulgences, which were tings people bought to confess and be forgiven of their sins. Many people saw how the catholic chcurch became corrupt, and decided they wanted to break away from the church. Martin Luther was part of this movement and he wrote 95 thesis and nailed them to a door, to show the things the church was doing wrong. In the end, people broke awat, making new chyrches such as the Lutherans, and the Protestants. -
Oct 31, 1517
Luther posts 95 Theses
Luther was a Monk who dedicated his life to God and the church, until he started to realize how the church was corrupted. He nailed 95 Theses' to the door of a church, to show how corrupt the church was, in the Theses', it talks about the indulgences, and how they are wrong -
Apr 20, 1519
Cortes Conquers Aztecs
Cortes discovers the Aztecs and their land, then to later on take it over. Cortes and his men didnt need to do much, since they brought disease, especially the small pox, on accident, and most of the Aztecs were killed by it or completely weakened -
Period: Jan 1, 1520 to
Religious wars
This time period, just like it's called, had many wars on religion. The pope wanted to be the main church and religion in every staem but, people broke away from the main church, and started to form their own church, which caused many wars, persucutions, and problems. -
Nov 11, 1534
Act of Supremacy in England Creates the Anglican Church
King Henry Vlll created the Anglican church just so he can divorce his wifes, which he couldn't through the Catholic Church. So he made his own Religion and Church, kicked out the Catholics, and made the Anglican church the mother church of England. -
Jan 1, 1536
Calvin Establishes reformed fath in Geneva
A man named Calvin, creates a new religion based on the Lutherans, and calls it the Calvinists. At first he wasn't accepted and neither was his religion, but in the end it became well known and spread quickly. -
Jan 1, 1543
Copernicus publishe heliocentric theory
Right before the death of Copernicus, he publishes the Heliocentric Theroy, which was stateing that the sun was the center of the solar system, not the earth. This theory was rejected by the church, but was used later on in history. -
Period: Jan 1, 1543 to
Scientific Revolution
During the scientific revolution, there was many discoveries that would change the way people thoughtabout the world, such as Newton, and his laws of Physics. There was also the matter of doing experiments to come up with conclusions instead of observing and thinking something is true without real evidence -
Dec 13, 1545
Council of Trent opens
The council of Trent was foremd to limit the power of the Church and the Pope, they made, and established rules or guidlines of what to Church and Papacy could do. -
Period: Jan 1, 1550 to
Dutch Commercial Dominance
The Dutch made commercial companies in India, trading over seas, they made lots of money and Dutch improved throughout the years they were in India -
Period: Jan 1, 1550 to
Age of Crisis
During the age of crisis, there was a huge famine in Europe, which was caused by changes in the enviroemment, like climate and diseases. -
Sep 25, 1555
Peace of Augsburg ends religious wars in Germany
There was a treaty between Charles V and the Lutherans, allowing religious tolerance for the Lutherans, even though there was religious toleration, Calvanists, Anabaptist, and other religions were excluded from the treaty. -
Oct 25, 1555
Charles V abdicates
Charles V abdicated his whole Roman Empire to his son Philip, which later on doesnt wanted to take his responsibility, resulting in the roman empire spliting into Austian and Spanish branches. -
Period: Jan 1, 1580 to
Witchcraft Scare
This was an time era with many murders and deaths. Witches were being hunted down, put to trial, and eventually burnt at the stake. One of many trials was the American Salem witch trials, which is very well known -
Defeat of Spanish Armada
The Spanish Armada made a deadly and not very smart mistake, they broke their crescant shape formation, allowing the Englich to take them out one by one, leading to an English victory -
Edict of Nantes Ends French Religious Wars
The Edict of Nantes allowed the Huguenots to have reguler rightsm like a normal citizen, but later on Lous XlV changed his mind and decided to forget the Edict and persecute the Huguenots. -
Period: to
Baroque Art
Period: to
Commercial Revolution
Period: to
Commercial Revolution
The Commercial Revoluton allowed more people to trade over seas,and also further their reach to farther places.The Commerial Revolution also brought up new ideas, such as Mercantalism. -
Period: to
Baroque Art
Baroque art was a new style of art that brought more life into the painting, and more realistic and magestic. They used these kinds of art to try to bring people back to the church. -
Dutch East India Company Founded
This company was obviously founded in India, and they built forts to protect their company and ports, so they could get the upper hand and keep their company safe. -
Period: to
Conflict between Parliament and King in England
England decided to be a constitiuional moanrchy, and everything was fine when the Tudor famly ruled, but once the Stuart family came, there was a problem. The Stuart family didn't consent with the Parliament, like he is supposed to , and overusing his power as king, which Parliament doesn't like this, since they are supposed to help rule, just like the king. -
Stuart monarchy begins in England
The stuart family and monarchy begins as soon as the last Tudor dies, and the first Stuart was Chalres l, who is crowned king of England, and starts a problem with the Parliament, because he doesn'y want anything to do with the, and wants tto run the cuntry as his own -
Period: to
Age of Louis XIV
Louis XIV built the palace of Versailles which cost the country a whole lot of money, putting them in an even more of a doubt, so the whole country of France is drowning in dept. He was alos a supporter of the arts and of science, which led to many advancements in the field of science. -
Period: to
Peace of Westphalia ends 30 year's war
The Peace of Westphalia allowed all states in Germany to choose their own religion, in other words, religious toleration was being allowed in Germany. Also France gained land in Germany. -
Charles I executed in England
Charles the first was executed in the charges of treason and being Catholic, after his death, Oliver Cromwell became Lord protector, until his sons, Richard Cromwell was old enough to rule -
Period: to
Absolutism was made/introduced by Louis XIV. Absolutism is the beeif that the King is absolute and only ruler of his country. -
Period: to
Commercial Wars
These wars ( three in total) were fought in the seas, between Britain and the Netherlands. The British ended up winning the war and becoming the country with the strongest navy -
Period: to
Rise of Prussia
Due to their military excelence and many victories in war, Prussia gained power, and known to the kingdoms around it. -
Peter the Great's reign begins in Russia
He co ruled with Ivan V, but he was not very good and eventually took over, and ruled by himself. While he was king, he created a strang Navy, and army. -
Period: to
Rise of Russia
Rusiia gained power and money because they started to win wars, because of people like Peter the Great -
Newton Publishes "Principia Mathematica"
The book "Principia Mathematica" was writtne by Newton, and he shares his finding to the world such as gravity and inertia. -
Period: to
Glorious Revolution
This revolution started when William the II took the throne from James II in England. -
Bank of England Founded
The bank was founded by King William and Queen Mary. England money was was going down, and everywhere, so they built a place hwere they could organize and keep the money safe -
Period: to
This was a time where people questioned everything, trying to figure out who they were, what was the purpose for anything, and figuring out what their purpose in life was. some famous and well know philosophes were Locke, Voltaire, and Newton -
Period: to
Agricultural Revolution
In the Agricutural Revolution, they were educated and started using techniques to weild more crop, such as crop rotation, which allowed them to use the same land over and over again, since everyyear they used another land, so that the old land replenish its nitrogen in the soil to produce more crops. -
Period: to
Rise of the Middle Class
As the lower class citzens became educated, due to the enlightment, they started to understand what was happening around them and they figured out that they were just as good as the other people bove them, so they started to teel everyone about what they realized and learned -
Period: to
Peace of Utrecht
There were 23 treaties signed in the Peace of Utrecht that allowed the War of the Spanish succecion to be over and done -
Death of Louis XIV
He died in the city of Versailles, and when he died, he made France even poorer than they were before, due to the construction of the Palace of Versailles. -
Period: to
Rococo Art
In this style of artm they used brighter colorsr, and the people they painted were smiling instead of having a serious look. The key was to depict a happy and gracefull mood instead of the customary serious moods. -
War of Austrian Successin begins
After the death of Charles VI, his daughter was next in line to rule the country, but since she was a female, there was conflict between the people on if she should be crowned or not, and eventually a war broke out. -
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
In the Industrial Revolution, many new inventions came into play, like steam powered engines, which were used in boats for transportation. Also they started to do assembly lines to make production much quicker and make money faster. -
Treaty of Paris ends seven years' war
The Treaty of Paris made France give up most of the land they had in North America, and they left back to France. on the other hand, the war left them extremely bankrupt, both France and England, forcing them to tax their citizens even more, breaking out in the French and American Revolution -
American Revoultion Begins
Due to the exessive taxation, the American are angered by there motherland, England, and they break out into a revolution against England. -
Smith Publishes "Wealth of Nations"
This books talks about a nations wealth, how to build up and other subjects related to economics -
Period: to
Age of Revolution
During this times, there was a tremendious quantity of wars and revolutions, such as the American and French revolution, and some slave revoutions in Latin America. This weakened Europe, since meny of their colonies were changing and breaking away. -
French Revolution Begins
France was in a tremedious amount of dept, because of the wars they were in and Louis XIV's Palace of Versailles. Almost everyone was poor, and starving, and the citizens were tired of this, and decided to revolt agains the goverment. -
Period: to
Feminism was a movement and a rally led by women to let them have equal rights,just like men do, eventually they got the equality they wanted, and recieved the same rights men had. -
Period: to
Rise of Nationalism
Nationalism was brought by the French Revolution, and led to many wars to free themselves forom their mother land or from anyone who owned or wanted the land. This led to many states and countries being formed. -
Wollerstoncraft begins movement with "Vindication of rights of Women"
Wollstoncraft wrote that book to say to the world that women aren't getting enough education as the could, and that woman are just as good as men, and can do the same things as men do. Many consider her the first feminist. -
Napoleon Bonaparte comes to power in France
Napolean was well know for his military geniusness and stratagies, he conquered France twice, first time hwe was overthrowned and exiled, and the second time he retook France, but was also over throwned again, and sent away for good. -
Period: to
This is another style of art, that was used to counter the beliefs brought by the Enlightment. For in every situtation, there is a good and a bad side to it. -
Period: to
Congress of Vienna
The congress of Vienna was a meeting of different officials of Europena states, to keep peace between each other. They were formed after the wars with Napoleon, to restore peace and balance -
Abdiction of Napoleon
Napoleom ruled France twice, the first he was exiled, but then came back, and ruled for a couple of years, but got defeated at the battle of Waterloo, where whe was defeated and never ruled again -
Period: to
Rise of Liberalism
Liberalism is the belief that the citizens have certain rights and freedoms and they need to limit what the goverment does. This idea came from the Enlightment and caused citizens to revolt against their goverments. -
Revolution in France
This revolution is also known as the July Revolution, this resolution resultes in the abdiction to Charles X and the crownment ofLouis-Philippe. this revolution lasted 3 days. -
Period: to
Belgian and Greek Independence
The Belgians and the Greeks were fighting to be free and for their own independence. Eventually they become independent, but it takes a while for the other countries to recognie them as independent countries -
Revolutions of 1848
From January 12 to June 26 of 1848 there were quite a couple of revolts in Europe against the monarchies, but ende up faing in there attempt to revolt against the goverment. -
Marx and Engels Publish "Communist Mainfesto"
The Communist Manifesto talks about a type of goverment where evryone gets what they want, and everyone is equal. -
Period: to
Unification and Nation-Building
Some countries made unions and unified with each other to protect each other and also become stronger as one union. -
Period: to
Second Industrial Revolution
This is basically where things get modern, electricity is invented/found, and replaces steam powered machines. They also make phones and cars with engines similar to ours today. -
Period: to
Imperialism was a way that country's extended their power and gained land, they did that by military action and diplomacy or negotiation. -
Period: to
Modern ideas and science
Things were getting better as time passed by new inventions and health, such as hygiene, and sanitation, and in the developement of automobiles -
Period: to
Rise of Modern Society
The start of a modern society was during the industrial revolution and the second industrial revolution(mainly the second) because they started what we are continueing today, electrcity, phones, automobile, weapons etc. -
Period: to
Realism and Materialism
People left and moved away from the churches and moved to stuff they could comprehend better, such as materialsm and realsim, they wanted stuff they could touch and feel. Materialism is that the only thing that exists is the things we can see and feel. Realism is that what you see is how it is. -
Crystal palace exhibition in Britain
From May 1 to October 11, people came from all over the world to see what new inventions people made, in the Crystal Palace. Many countries came to show their new inventions to the people and maybe to show off a little, to their competetors. -
Britain Establashes direct rule of India
British make their company there, they basically over power there competetor, the Dutch who were there before they were, making them get no profit, and the British are making money and squeezing every last drop they can get form the people of India, and the Dutch too. -
Darwin Publishes "Origin of Species"
Darwin proposes his theories of evolution and of adaptation, which he made when he was on the Galapagos isands, and observed the finche, turtles and animals of the island -
Russian serfs emancipated
The Russians finally freed there serfs, there ere some downsides, since the serfs would know need to work hard to receive there money, and many can't find jobs, and also, the people who used to own the serfs now have to pay them, making them poorer too. -
Period: to
Modern Art
Modern art was a movement where people branched off from traditional forms of art to do their own kind of art. -
Period: to
World Wars
THere were 2 World wars, World war I and World war II. In each war they showed new ways to figth wars like nuclear wars and chemical weapons. -
Period: to
Totalitarianism is a concept that the goverment want to take full control of his people and their everyday lives, manny people believe that is happening today in America, but it happened for certain with Hitler and Stalin -
Period: to
Cold War
The cold started righgt about when waord war II ended, it was the soviet union against America, this war was all about words, not real fighting, it was all bark, no bite. -
Period: to
European Unity
Europe is united through other socierties and organiztaons -
Terrorist atacks on US.
9/11 is a day to remember, planes were hijacked that day and the pentagon and twin towers were hit.