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History Of Educational Technology

By Mertckr
  • 30 BCE

    Paintings on Cave Walls

    Paintings on Cave Walls
    It could be said that first foot steps of Educational Technology (ET) can be seen at old paintings made on cave walls. Even though it is not proven whether these paintings are made for the sake of education or something else, we still put them to the very beginning of ET' history list (EduTech Wiki).
  • 105

    Invention of Paper

    Invention of Paper
    Being able to save current knowledge and transferring it to next generations became possible with the invention of paper, which had essential effect on the rate of development of information. Years later it will come to us as schoolbooks.
  • 1000

    Writing Became Often

    Writing Became Often
    "Even though Socrates is reported to have railed against the use of writing, written forms of communication make analytic, lengthy chains of reasoning and argument much more accessible, reproducible without distortion, and thus more open to analysis and critique than the transient nature of speech" (Bates, 2019, p.?). As the writing become more and more popular, rate of development for ET has gradually increased.
  • 1450

    Gutenberg Printing Press

    Gutenberg Printing Press
    Even though it is called printing, it is just pioneer of today's printing machine to reproduce papers very slowly compared to our current printers.
  • 1500

    Printing Press Became Popular

    Printing Press Became Popular
    " In the 16th century, with presses spreading further afield, their output rose tenfold to an estimated 150 to 200 million copies. The operation of a press became synonymous with the enterprise of printing, and lent its name to a new medium of expression and communication, "the press"" (Wikipedia) With the development of printing press, public education became more productive.
  • Public Education

    Public  Education
    Education system is much more better than before thanks to the reproducibility of available resources. After that film strip projector will find a place to itself among black board and books.
  • Audiovisual Age

    Audiovisual Age
    Students and teachers are benefited from radios and projectors in order to provide a education full of "technology" for its time.
  • Information Age

    Information Age
    Televisions and tapes made it possible to keep our knowledge and information saved and ready to be used any time.
  • Computer Age

    Computer Age
    The foundation of the whiteboard was laid, computers became part of daily needs.
  • Digital-Internet Age

    Digital-Internet Age
    People are able to transfer information at internet and able to store it. The education became practical even more thanks to internet.
  • Current Education

    Current Education
    Students are able to work after school by themselves thanks to the information sources near their hand. Cons and pros of this power is depending of usage of student either to waste time or to develop himself...
  • Reference List

    Reference List
    B, Tony. (2019). A short history of educational history. Wikipedia
    Edutechwk: 4 IMAGES:
  • Reference List (Images)

    Reference List (Images) Mert Çakır/200102086