The Evolution of Education Technology: 2010 to 2020

  • eBooks

    eBooks would prove to be much more than a passing fad. Many mobile and wireless analysts began speculation in the 2010s that the popularity of eBooks would only continue to rise. At first, eBooks were mainly for personal at home reading. However, the opportunity for textbooks to be made available in eBook formats was a wide open market. Because of this, it was thought that the jump from personal to educational use would be made rather quickly.
  • Videos in the Classroom

    Videos in the Classroom
    In 2011, many teachers saw the benefits of using videos for learning at home, while reserving class time for practicing the concepts they learned. This was also known as "flipped" learning since learning is done mainly at home rather than at school. By using this method, teachers are able to use valuable class time for questions and guided help. In doing this, teachers were able to make the material more flexible and didn't have to rely on teaching a large group of students in the same way.
  • Hybridized Learning

    Hybridized Learning
    Hybrid learning is when a student has some in-person classes, while also attending online classes through a school. This method of learning was increasing in popularity in 2012. Many critics of online education were skeptical of this style of learning. This was mainly due to the idea that online education would never be able to replace or be as effective as in-person learning. Despite this, it was still expected that online learning would only grow in popularity as the year went by. 
  • Games for Learning

    Games for Learning
    2013 saw the popularization of educational games to aid in learning. These games can include using a customized game of Jeopardy in class to go over recently taught material. Games can also be used on the computer to help teach skills like typing, spelling, and math. Often times, games are written off as nothing more than a time waster that does nothing for those who play them. However, games can make learning a more enjoyable experience and encourage students to practice important concepts.
  • 3D Printing

    3D Printing
    3D Printers started to become popular in educational spaces in 2014. They began to be implemented in libraries and even some schools. They are an amazing piece of technology that can assist in bringing learning to life. This is especially helpful in subjects that relate to math and engineering. Students can use the skills they've learned in class to bring their ideas to life, while also utilizing critical thinking and problem solving skills. Many students find this is an engaging way to learn.
  • 1:1 Technology and Collaboration

    1:1 Technology and Collaboration
    In 2015, 1:1 technology was becoming more popular. This is when each student in a classroom has access to their own tech device. Despite each student having their own device, they are still able to work together with tools like Google Drive. This allows for the both independent student work, as well as collaborative work. This flexibility is extremely valuable in a classroom because it can create a seamless transition between individual and group work.
  • Computer Science Education

    Computer Science Education
    In 2016, President Obama began to push the importance of computer science education for all students. Schools needed to start preparing their students to enter an increasingly digital workforce. Understanding technology and how it works in our day to day lives can provide benefits to all students, not just those who want to go on to have STEM related careers. This push to teach computer science in schools was also beneficial in helping to create a more diverse tech workforce in the future.
  • Virtual Reality

    Virtual Reality
    Virtual reality would prove to be a useful combination of many previous advancements in the field of education technology. By combining aspects of videos and games for education, as well as adding an engaging immersive element, VR would prove to be a beneficial teaching tool. VR could even be used in scientific fields to perform digital lab experiments, thus allowing students to see things like chemical reactions up close with no risk. The use of VR can be seen to improve student engagement.
  • Improvements in Learning Accessability

    Improvements in Learning Accessability
    One emerging education technology trend in 2018 was that of increased learning accessibility. More digital learning devices were being developed that would assist students with learning disabilities. Things like audiobooks, dictation software, and reading apps were able to help students with auditory and visual disabilities. This technology can also help students to learn in a way that most benefits them.
  • Advancements in Cybersecurity

    Advancements in Cybersecurity
    With an increased reliance on technology in educational spaces comes a need for more cybersecurity. Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting student and teacher data from online attacks. Keeping everyone safe online is extremely important. It is also important to teach students the risks that certain behaviors online can have, which can lead to malware or data theft. Giving proper education about online safety and having a strong plan for cybersecurity is crucial in keeping everyone safe. 
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)

    Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    In 2020, the use of AI for education was on the rise, as it can be extremely useful in education spaces. For teachers, AI can help to create lesson plans, aid in completing administrative tasks, and allows for more of a focus on teaching. However, with these benefits also comes some drawbacks. Students often use AI to complete assignments for them, leading them to skip over much of the learning process. While AI is not a bad thing, it's important that students are taught how to properly use it.