
The Evolution of Democratic Ideals

  • Aug 11, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    The English Magna Carta was written in the year 1215. It was established so that noone, not even the king can be above the law. Because of King John abusing his power, it cause the noble to force the king to recornize the rights of nobleman. The Magna Carta was created to protect the rights of other classes and is a guarantee of certain rights. It garanteed individual rights to the nobility and established the principles of rule of law, limited government, and due process of law.
  • Period: Aug 11, 1215 to


  • English Bill Of Rights.

    English Bill Of Rights.
    The Bill Of Rights is an Act of the parliment passed in England.The document extended individual liberties and due process of law to the nobility. It was presented by William and Mary inviting them to become joint sovereigns of England. This document was created to Ensure certain freedoms and ensure a Protestant political supremacy.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence and it was written to claimed that unalienable rights were for all government. It advocates the principal of consent of the governed. The purpose of the Declaration of Independence is to announce and explain separation from Great Britain
  • Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen

    Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen
    The E-states general wrote the Declaration of Rights of Man and the citizen based of the American Declaration. It extended individual liberties, consent of the governed and protected the principle of due process of the law.
  • U.S Bill of Rights

    U.S Bill of Rights
    Bill of Rights was created to help the ideas of relationship between individuals and their governments. It was to limit the powers of the federal governemt. Outlines of the English Bill of Rights were written into the U.s Bill of Rights guaranteeing them to the citizens in the U.S. This document protects the principles of individual liverties and due process of law