The Evolution Of Democracy

  • 700 BCE

    Creation of the Athenian Democracy

    Creation of the Athenian Democracy
    The Ancient Greeks developed the first form of democracy. All citizens of Athens were supposed to be involved with their cities, affairs. Only males who were born in Athens were considered citizens of Rome, so women were not able to make decisions or have a say in what occurred in the city.
  • 509 BCE

    Creation of the Roman Democracy

    Creation of the Roman Democracy
    A republic was made after the Roman king was sent away. Rich families took control of the city and ruled over the poor. The upper-class people were called the patricians and the common people were called the plebs. The plebs grew angry and demanded more rights. They created a new democratic institution called a Senate. Only men could be civis (citizens of Rome).
  • Period: 400 to 1214

    Early European Monarchies

    During the Middle Ages, most European counties had a monarchy. Kings and Queens had absolute power, but they abused this power, so the Magna Carta was created to stop this abuse of power.
  • 1215

    The Signing of the Magna Carta

    The Signing of the Magna Carta
    King John I of England was the first to sign the Magna Carta, a written agreement that protected and ensured the rights of his people. John I bent the law for his own personal gain, so barons and noblemen forced the king to sign the Magna Carta. Now, King John I was forced to follow the law, and his people rejoiced.
  • The Beginning of the American Revolution

    The Beginning of the American Revolution
    American people grew angry with Britain because of Britain's taxation methods. The Americans rebelled and won their freedom from Britain. Americans were able to vote for their leaders, and the powers of their government were controlled so that one branch of government could not become too powerful and overthrow the other branches.
  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution
    The French Revolution was an event where the French people overthrew the French monarchy in order to take control of the government. The French Government was in constant turmoil throughout the revolution, and the revolution ended up completely changing the political and social structure of the government. After the French Revolution finished, the Catholic church no longer had political power.