Athenian Demorcracy
507 BCE
Athenian leader Cleisthens introduced a system of political reforms he called "demonkratia" or RULEBY THE PEOPLE. All citizens were able to take role in cites affaires, freedom of speech etc. To be a citizen you had to be over the age of 18, male, born in greece, your oarents had to be born in greece and have your own land -
Rome declared a republic after the people rebelled against the king and he was sent away. In the early days all the power laid in the hands of the rich upper class aristocracy called the patricians. In order to be a citizen of rome you must be male, had to be free, women were citizen like men were but of another class entirely. -
Apr 27, 1215
Magna Carta
King John was forcerd to sign the Magna Carta, it outlined a number of provision where the power of the monarchy would be restricted and the rights of the citizens were safeguared. The king WAS not aloud to steal fire wood from other lands, force widow to re-marry, force knights to pay money to excuse them from guarding the castle, confiscate hourses/and carts and force villagers to build bridges over rivers -
American Revolution
The American Revolution created the first true democracy, americans were able to vote and if on branch did try to abuse its power the other two could over ride it. US did not give women the vote until 1919, while creating its consititution in 1787, african american was worth 3/5's of a white person and they could not vote -
French Reveloution
The french revolution in 1789 rooted the spirit of democracy, the middle class of France rose to overthrow there monarch. Howerever in the end thoes who championed liberty were corrupted the leaders used the guillotine to eliminate all opposition and soon the power fell the military dictator. -
Karl Marx wrote the communist manifesto outlining communisum. Vladamir was able to over throw the ruissan tzar. Lenin followed Marx's teaching's he adapts it to suit his own purpoes. Stalonplimmets the world into cold war which lasted a long time to the early 90s -
In 1930 Japan moved into a nationalisitc direction, fraustrted by infair treatment the west of Japan became a military state and very agressive and angry. Emperor Hirohito led his country into war and tried to dominate the pacific during would war one -
Human Rights ( UN )
United nations created the declaration of human rights, the UN pledged that human beings have a right to live and work without abuse from the goverment(s) " Bore free and equal that all bare the right to life, liberty and the security of a person"