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The Evolution of Computers

By vroy
  • The first Computer

    The first Computer
    By Charles Babbage
    It’s a calculator that could compute polynomial functions
    It was the first mechanical computer.
    Invented in 1910
  • Z1

    By Konrad Zuse
    This is the first programmable computer.
    Invented in 1936
    It has 20,000 parts that weigh 1000kg.
  • The Collosus

    The Collosus
    By Tim Flowers
    Invented in 1936
    Used in WWII to decrypt German Messages
    The Colossus decrypted 63 million letters of German messages.
  • The ENIAC

    The ENIAC
    By J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly
    This first digital computer.
    Invented in 1946.
    It weighs over 50 tons
  • IBM 701

    IBM 701
    By IBM company
    It was the first mass-produced computer.
    Invented in 1953
    The company sold 19,701 units
  • The Whirlwind

    The Whirlwind
    By MIT
    The first computer that actually has data on a screen.
    The first computer that uses RAM
    Invented in 1955
  • PDP - 1

    PDP - 1
    By MIT
    Known for the first computer games (Hacking Culture and Space War)
    Invented in 1960
  • CDC 6000 Series

    CDC 6000 Series
    By Control Data Corporation
    The first supercomputer (could calculate thousands of problems in less than a second.)
    Invented in 1969
  • The computers that we think of today

    The computers that we think of today