The Evolution of Computers

By Kaori8a
  • Charles Babbage

    British mathematician who invented the "first computer".
  • Hewlett-Packard founded

    David Packard and Bill Hewlett
    Palo Alto, California
    Invented HP 200A Audio Oscillator
    Used for recording for the movie Fantasia for Disney
  • Z3 Computer

    Was the first automatic computer built by Konrad Zuse, a German engineer. Used for aerodynamic calculations but was destroyed in a bombing raid in Berlin.
  • The Colossus

    The Colossus was used to decipher coded messages used by Nazis in World War II. Made by British engineer Tommy Flowers. The machine was made public until the 1970s.
  • First Commercial Computer

    John William and J. Presper design the first commercial computer in United States.
  • First Hard Disk

    IBM introduce the first hard disk.
  • Direct Keyboard Installed

    Researchers in MIT start experimenting direct keyboard input, the way we have keyboards nowadays.
  • First Computer with Monitor and Keyboard

    DEC introduced their first computer with monitor and keyboard.
  • CDC 6600

    The Control Data Corporation 6600 is a computer that can process information up to 3 million instructions per second.
  • Apollo Guidance Computer

    The AGC was created by scientists and engineers to make the computer at Apollo's aircraft smaller.
  • Xerox PARC Alto

    It was one of the computers that had a major influence on the public. The Alto could use windows, icons, and mouse, it could also share files.
  • Apple I

    Created by Steve Wozniak and marketed by his friend Steve Jobs. Became very popular and created their own company, Apple Computer Inc. Then they announced the Apple II computer ready for the public.
  • NeXT Cube

    Steve Jobs got fired from Apple, so he joined the company NeXT and the computer he created was a great innovation.
  • Sony Vaio

    Sony started to sell its products in Japan but then the Vaio was created and became a huge success. This computer had the ability to have audio-video capabilities and communications.
  • iMac

    The Macintosh desktop computer was released and was considered a good sign because Steve Jobs returned to the company Apple.
  • Amazon Kindle

    The Amazon Kindle was released which had the capability to access wirelessly, also with an SD card.
  • Raspberry Pi

    Made in the UK, this credit card size computer was created to promote science education.
  • References

    Brown, A. (n.d.). 3 discoveries that changed the world. Retrieved January 09, 2018, from The Evolution of Computers. (n.d.). Retrieved January 09, 2018, from Computers | Timeline of Computer History. (n.d.). Retrieved January 10, 2018, from
  • References

    Zimmermann, K. A. (2017, September 06). History of Computers: A Brief Timeline. Retrieved January 10, 2018, from T. (2016, May 05). Evolution of the computer - in pictures. Retrieved January 10, 2018, from