Classroom contracts img2

The Evolution of Classroom Technology

  • The one room school house

    The one room school house
  • Classrooms began to incorporate the use of radios into their penmanship, accounting, history, lessons

    Classrooms began to incorporate the use of radios into their penmanship, accounting, history, lessons
  • Overhead Projectors initially used for US military training, quickly spread to schools

    Overhead Projectors initially used for US military training, quickly spread to schools
  • 52% of schools are using silent films and 3% are using film with sound

    52% of schools are using silent films and 3% are using film with sound
  • The first TV appears in a classroom in LA.

    The first TV appears in a classroom in LA.
    This began the age of teachers instructing their students with the aid of visuals on a screen.
  • Headphones became popular in school language labs.

    Headphones became popular in school language labs.
  • Videotapes were introduced and used in the classroom for the first time.

    Videotapes were introduced and used in the classroom for the first time.
  • Photocopier invented.

    Photocopier invented.
  • Whiteboard invented to replace the chalkboard.

    Whiteboard invented to replace the chalkboard.
  • BASIC is developed at Dartmouth College with the intent of givig students a simple programming language that they could understand.

    BASIC is developed at Dartmouth College with the intent of givig students a simple programming language that they could understand.
  • Texas Instruments develops the handheld calculator

    Texas Instruments develops the handheld calculator
  • Scantrons are used to automatically grades multiple tests at one time.

    Scantrons are used to automatically grades multiple tests at one time.
  • The Minesota Education Computing Consortium is founded. The organization popularizes educational games such as Oregon Trails 1974

    The Minesota Education Computing Consortium is founded. The organization popularizes educational games such as Oregon Trails 1974
  • The first Apple Macintosh is introduced. The ratio of computers to students is 1-92.

    The first Apple Macintosh is  introduced. The ratio of computers to students is 1-92.
  • Laptops are introduced and eventually used for educational tools.

    Laptops are introduced and eventually used for educational tools.
  • CD-ROMS become an important form of storage.

    CD-ROMS become an important form of storage.
  • SMART boards are introduced in schools

    SMART boards are introduced in schools
  • Internet access arrived in schools.

    Internet access arrived in schools.
  • iPads introduced in schools.

    iPads introduced in schools.
  • Nearly every student has access to mobile devices

    Nearly every student has access to mobile devices