

By Jhonycf
  • 135

    Sexual Abuse

    Sexual Abuse
    In times of the antique Greece and Rome, children were immersed in sexual practice with older men. Even, in Crete and Boeotia, got marriage with a child were common.
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    Children´s Education

    Children´s Education
    Aristoteles talk about differents periods for children´s education. Before 2 and the next period until 5 years old.
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    Children in family

    Children in family
    Boys and girls since roman times, had to wait their parents at table. In Middle ages, children were servantas with the excepcion of royalty.
  • Apr 28, 1000

    Children in Middle age Art

    Children in Middle age Art
    In the Middle age, the artists, don´t had the ability to sketch the image of a child. In most of the cases, they paint children as little old men.
  • Period: Aug 27, 1492 to

    Childhood on RENAISSANCE

    In this period of time, revived a lot classic ideas about children´s education. Is revealed, new interests of children development.
  • Aug 27, 1500

    Childhood Education

    Childhood Education
    The importance of child´s evolution. Luis Vives comment, that it was important to adapt the education to the different cases and levels of childhood.
  • Definition of Childhood (MIDDLE AGES)

    Definition of Childhood (MIDDLE AGES)
    Abad Bérulle, "There isn´t, worst condition and vile after death, that childhood"
  • "The word Illustrated"

    "The word Illustrated"
    John Comenius, explain that the first education that a child had, was play. He defined that thought, as their first picture book.
  • Mother, the first educator

    Mother, the first educator
    Comenius, insisted that was important to educate boys and girls, with mother as the first educator. Also, that was relevant to have an obligatory school attendance until 12 years old.
  • Child as a "Toilet" for adult projections

    Child as a "Toilet" for adult projections
    For long period of time, was believed that babies was full of sin. Even when he/she cried during the chirstening, was getting exorcized.
  • Frightening Children

    Frightening Children
    Adults got dressed with terrifying attires, used to frightening children. It was common in hospital, when nurses wanted to kept children in bed.
  • Children´s breasts

    Children´s breasts
    Was believed that children had milk in their breasts, and it had to be expelled. Some nurses pressed children´s breasts to got the "milk".
  • Industrial revolution and School Attendane

    Industrial revolution and School Attendane
    Because Industrial Revolution, a lot children stoped working and the school attendance got relevant.

    Froebel, promoted the idea of preschool education, and stood out the relevant of the educative continuation between SCHOOL-HOME.
  • First Children´s Garden

    First Children´s Garden
    The first public Kindergarden was open in St Luis.
  • Cruelty to children

    Cruelty to children
    The state have the possibility to interfere in the relations between parents and children, in order to prevent any kind of cruelty against children.
  • Swaddling

    In this practice, mothers tooks hours dressed their infants. This permit adult not to pay too much attention of their children.
  • Access to high-quality preschool

    Access to high-quality preschool
    The president of United State, called on Congress to increase the number of children that have access to preschool, and invite the other nations to do the same.