the evolutiion of the computer

  • first computer

    first computer
    the first computer was bilt in 1890 and was used to calculate 1880 census
  • granddad of all dijital computers

    in 1943-1944 john mauchuly and j.Presper Eckert made a computer that was 20 by 40 feet it used 18,000vacume tubes
  • first computer langueg

    in 1953 Grace Hopper developed the first computer languig known as cobol
  • the computer chip

    the computer chip
    jack kirdy and robert neley unvailed the computer chip

    Douglas Engelbart showed the first proto type of the modern computer this computer fetured a mousese and agraphical uer marking the evolution of the computer
  • the floppy disk

    the floppy disk
    Alan Shugart leads a teamof engenears and invent the floppy disk this allows computers to share data
  • apple 1

    apple 1
    Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak stort there compony and make the apple one the first computer to use a singal circuit bord.
  • none geeks use computers

    raidio shack initial production run fore the TRS-80 was just 3000 and sold like crazy this unit alawed peapole who wernt geeks to wright and use code
  • the apple two

    the apple two
    the apple two was shown at the west coast fair this computer featured a colored screen and a adio caset drive
  • microsoft stricks back

    microsoft stricks back
    microsoft anounced the windows in response to the apple GUI
  • wifi

    the term wifi became more common and a part of computing languig
  • the ps 2

    the ps 2
    sony released the ps2
  • windows 7

    windows 7
    sony releses windows 7 wich allowed you to pin applications to the task bar