The Ever Evolving Instructional Design & Technology Timeline

  • School Museums

    School Museums
    The first school museum opens. Has visual aids to instruction such as photographs, stereographs, slides, films, prints, charts, and other materials for use by teachers.
  • Edward Thorndike's Connectionism Theory

    Edward Thorndike's Connectionism Theory
  • First Talkie Film

    First Talkie Film
    The Jazz Singer, American musical film was the first feature-length movie with synchronized dialogue. It marked the ascendancy of “talkies” and the end of the silent-film era.
  • Radio Technology

    Radio Technology
    Edwin Howard Armstrong invented frequency-modulated or FM radio in 1933. FM improved the audio signal of radio by controlling the noise static caused by electrical equipment and the earth's atmosphere.
  • World War II Training Audio Visual

    World War II Training Audio Visual
    During World War II, audio visual devices were used for military and industrial training. According to Reiser, 2001, "During the war, the United States Army Air Force produced more than 400 training films and 600 filmstrips, and during a two -year period (from mid 1943 to mid-1945) it was estimated that there were more than four million showings of training films to United States personnel" (p. 56). These films were just the beginning of using technology for the training purposes.
  • Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer

    Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
    World War II demanded rapid progression of technology, resulting in the production of new computers of unprecedented power.
  • Microwave

    The Microwave was invented by Percy Spencer with radar technology used in WWII.
  • Computer-Based Instruction Theory

    Computer-Based Instruction Theory
    Used in educational and training environments.
  • Skinner’s Teaching Machine

    Skinner’s Teaching Machine
    The idea was to teach classroom subjects such as math, spelling etc. using a mechanical device that would also surpass the usual classroom experience.
  • Bloom's Taxonomy

    Bloom's Taxonomy
    Bloom's Taxonomy was created by Benjamin Bloom published as a kind of classification of learning outcomes and objectives that have, in the more than half-century since, been used for everything from framing digital tasks and evaluating apps to writing questions and assessments.
  • Inquiry-based Learning Model

    Inquiry-based Learning Model
    Relies upon the idea that individuals are able to learn by investigating scenarios and problems, and through social experiences. Rather than having to memorize information from printed materials, instructors encouraged their students to conduct investigations that would satisfy their curiosity, help them broaden their knowledge base and develop their skills and mental frames.
  • Educational Television

    Educational Television
    Instructional television played a small role on formal education and would leave the educational system unchanged (Reiser, 2001, p. 58-59) Although this was the conclusion, this type of media still has it's place. Students are now asked to be taught in "real world" environments in which they make contributions and collaborate with other learners while using technology to enhance the learning instead of relying only on the use of it to disseminate information.
  • ADDIE Model

    ADDIE Model
    Invented by Florida State University in 1975. Its purpose was to form an instructional systems development program for military training. Eventually, the model transformed and became commonly used for all types of training.
  • Computer Conferencing

    Computer Conferencing
    The Western Behavioral Sciences Institute uses computer conferencing to provide a distance education program for business executives.
  • Electronic University Network Make Online Courses

    Electronic University Network Make Online Courses
    Ron Gordon, Atari's former president, launches the Electronic University Network to make online courses available for people with access to personal computers.
  • Component Display Theory

    Component Display Theory
    Created by David Merrill, developed Component Display Theory (CDT), which concentrates on the methods of presenting instructional materials.
  • WebQuest

    Bernie Dodge and Tom March developed the WebQuest model Inquiry-based learning activity that allows students to learn the lesson using the information provided in the internet resources. The goal was to help teachers create lessons that engaged students, required higher-level thinking, used authentic problems, and made good use of the web.
  • Rise of Online Learning and eLearning

    Rise of Online Learning and eLearning
    Companies start to use online learning for on-boarding new employees and developing new skills.
  • Social Network

    Social Network
    Facebook, was created as a social networking site for colleges students and professionals