The events that led to Mexican Independence

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    The events leading to Mexican Independence

  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris ended the French and Indian(also know as the Seven years war) and drove the French out of Texas giving most of there land to the Spanish. And another big factor is that the Britsh lost this war.
    More on Treaty of Paris
  • Marques de Rubi Report

    Marques de Rubi Report
    Marques de Rubi went to Texas to "inspect" the progress in Texas due to expansion in the Spanish empire. What he recomended that the Spanish goverment do is close down all missions in front of the Rio Grande except for San Antonio and move missions behind the Rio Grande.
    More on Rubi Report
  • American revolution begins

    American revolution begins
    More people are now going to the U.S. to help colonize a congress. This starts to worry the Spanish because they wanted to expand to the west.
    More on American Revolution
  • U.S. Declaration of Independence

    U.S. Declaration of Independence
    This was the Constitution that declared the U.S,'s independence and also the rights of the people.
  • United states gains Independence

    United states gains Independence
    More on United States IndependenceThe U.S gains its independence from Britian and becomes more of a threat to the Spanish.
  • French Revolution Begins

    French Revolution Begins
    The French revolution begans when the French citizens overthrow Loius XVI and the whole royal family. This would be the first step to having a democracy.
    More on French Revolution
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase was the act of the French man James Manroe was in war with the British. He needed men and supplies so he took back the land that was once his and sold this land to the U.S. expanding there land. They sold it for about 15 million dollars.More on Louisiana Purchase
  • Cry of Delores

    Cry of Delores
    The Cry of Delores was when on of the preists,Father Miguel Hidalgo, declared that he was for Mexican independence. This is the day most Mexicans today make the Cry of Delores there Independence day.
    More on Cry of Delores
  • Gutierrez Magee expedition

    Gutierrez Magee expedition
    Gutierrez wanted Mexican Indepence from Spain. Magee who was an American aided Gutierrez and so did the American government. The expedition went very well until the Spanish quickly stopped them leaving them bloody and still without independence.
    More on Gutierez Magee expedition
  • Battle of Medina

    Battle of Medina
    This was the war between the Spanish goverment and the Mexican citizens and American goverment. This was one of the most bloodyest battles in Texas history. This was the result of the Gutierrez Magee expedition.
    More on Battle of Medina
  • Panic of 1819

    Panic of 1819
    This was Americas first economic crisis every in there histroy. Americans where in panic because production and exchange went bad.
    More on Panic of 1819
  • James Long

    James Long
    James long was one of the people captured in the first filibusters expedition. One of the reasons he was captured was because the Spanish had been on the edge latley because the the U.S. threat and when they saw these Americans they thought that they were there to spy on them.
    More on James Long
  • Mexican Independence

    Mexican Independence
    When Mexicans who there independence after they win the Mexico war of Inddependence. Today all Mexicans know this as Independence day. One of the huge people of this war was Father Miguel Hialgo.
    More on Mexican Independence
  • Constitution of 1824

    Constitution of 1824
    This constitution is Mexico constitution of Independence. This constitutio declared that Mexico was now a Democracy.
    More on Constitution of 1824
  • The “Old Three Hundred” Colony

    The “Old Three Hundred” Colony
    The old three hundred was when Stephen F. Austin has a plan to settle 300 Spanish familys in Texas in 1821. All the familys werent settled until 1827.
    More on The Old Three Hundred Colony
  • Coahuila and Texas

    Coahuila and Texas
    Coahuila y Texas translates to Coahuila and Texas. This is the government of Mexico. Even though the thought of Texas as part of Mexico they were treated differently and had different capitals.
    Martín de Alarcón who was the govnernor extended the mission back to east Texas. There was a treaty uniteing Coahuila and Texas in 1827.