The eureka stockade

  • The Gold Rush begins

    The Gold Rush begins
    after finding gold, everyone would want to find some and make hundreds
  • tthe cost of the license fee per month is tripled

    after some discussion in the government, they agreed to triple the fee of each license per month
  • miners burn all licenses

    after dispute between the government miners gather to burn all lincenses
  • Enforced licensing

    after Governor Hotham came into power, he made it mandatory for every ddigger to have a license
  • murder of James Scobie and burning of the bentleys hotel

    james Scobie was murdered in the Eureka hotel, ten days later hundreds of miners gathered to burn down the hotel
  • Union flag Raised

    all miners gathered to Raise the Union Flag of Australia
  • miners demand release of three captive diggers

    on this date, 10,000 miners got together and demanded the release of the three diggers held captive
  • diggers train around stockade

    most diggers train in and around the stockade for the whole day getting ready for battle
  • authorities attack stockade

    early in the morning of december 3rd the authorities attack the stockade
  • first court trial

    the first of many trials were started and most for high treason on all miners