300px battle of naseby

The English Civil War

By Amira.N
  • Civil War Started

    Charles raised his flag at Nottingham to proclaim the war.
  • Battle of Edgehill

    During the early afternoon, Charles had sent his army to meet the Parliamentarian Army which commanded by Essex.
  • Battle of Adwalton Moor

    William Cavendish, Royalist commander, decided to surround the Parliamentarian army in Bradford.
  • Battle of Roundaway Down

    The Royalist was the first to charge but there was no counter-charge. After 3 more charges the Parliamentary army decided to leave.
  • First Battle of Newbury

    The Essex's moved the Parliamenterian and protect the Round Hill just south of Newbury
  • Battle of Marston Moor

    This Civil War involving 45,000. the royalist were outnumbered but they decided to fight anyways. However, they are defeated by Parliament
  • Battle of Second Battle of Newbury

    The Royalist got caught by both side by two Parliamentrian army. The battle last all day so ended up as a draw.
    14/06 1645 Battle of Naseby