The Empires of Africa by Gagandeep

  • Nov 21, 600

    The begininmg of Ghana

    The begininmg of Ghana
    Ghana was first founded in 600 AD. In the beginning of its time everyone started of as farmers. Later on, about a 100 years later, Ghanians started to trade valuable items such as ivory, slaves, and gold. Ghana began to prosper.
  • Jan 1, 1062

    Tenkamenin became ruler of Ghana

    Tenkamenin became ruler of Ghana
    Tenkamenin became ruler of Ghana. The ruler lived in a wood and mud castle containing magnificent sculptures, windows, and pictures made by royal artists. Tenkamenin built pisons, temples, and tombs.
  • Aug 6, 1067

    Muslim invaders captured the capital of Ghana

    Muslim invaders captured the capital of Ghana
    Muslim invaders captured the capital of Ghana. The invaders caused the city to crumble and perish.
  • Oct 28, 1236

    A new empire Mali

    A new empire Mali
    Ghana was becoming very weak and soon Mali took.A few years later the emperor destroyed the capital of Ghana and took over the trading system of gold and salt. The emperor, Sundiata, was a warrior and a magician. Sundiata founded and developed the city of timbuktu. The emperor also supported the development of food crops, cotton farming, and cotton weaving
  • Aug 13, 1307

    New ruler of Mali Mansa Musa

    New ruler of Mali Mansa Musa
    After hte death of Sundiata, his grandnephew, Mansa Musa, became ruler of Mali. A few years later Mansa Musa went on a pilgrimage to Mecca bringing1200 slaves, 80 camels, and 300 pounds of gold just to show his wealth. When he retuned to his kingdom he had broght with him an Egypt architect and Arab scholars to build the Sankore Mosquein Timbuktu.The city had attracted many people.
  • Jul 13, 1325

    Internal problems

    Internal problems
    The newly conquered regions of Mali's empire began to rebel. the eastern part of Songhai became powerful enough to gain control of its homeland. The main ciy of Songhai soon gained strength and were powerful enough to lead the city of Gao to independence from Mali.
  • Jun 8, 1332

    Decline of Mali

    Decline of Mali
    Mansa musa died around 1332. After his death everyone started to fight over who was going to be the next emperor . All the fighting soon weakened the empire and then the empire was raided and then burned.
  • Sep 17, 1464

    A new empire Songhai

    A new empire Songhai
    Sunni Ali, the emperor of Songhai, became the most pwerful West African empire. Many people asked for his help to defeat others enemies. Sunni Ali established a reputation as a powerful leader.After a seven siege he captured the trading ciy of Djenne.
  • Apr 10, 1493

    Next in line for emperor

    Next in line for emperor
    Askia Muhammad became the next emperor of Songhai by defeating Sunni Ali's son. The emperor organized the government of his vast empire. He encouraged learning, trade, and increased the power of Songhai's army by forcing neighboring communities to provide extra soldiers.
  • Mar 20, 1497

    Pilgrimage to Mecca

    Pilgrimage to Mecca
    The emperor, Aski Muhammad, went o a pilgrimage (hajj) to Mecca. When he retuned back to his homeland he had brought doctors, architects, scientists, and scholars to help build and dedign the empire. Songhai prospered and brought wealth and prosperity to the empire. He had also built banks, schools, mosques, and courts.
  • The end

    The end
    The empire soon came to an end when Spain and Morocco destroyed the empire. That was the last of the West African Empires.
  • Ghana emperor becomes muslim

    Ghana emperor becomes muslim
    In 950 the emperor of Ghana converted into a muslim.The emperor taxed gods passing through his kingdom and created a large army