The Educational Shift

  • The Now

    The Now
    Leading Edge, 1:1 initiative in technology for students, abundant PD and technology support. Digital natives are beginning to occupy our schools.
  • Period: to

    The Educational Shift

  • The end of the 2016 school year

    The end of the 2016 school year
    School size is beginning to decrease. We begin to realize that we MUST personalize education and bring the education to the students. We are learning that the school is not the sole "institution" of learninng.
  • Bring the Education

    Bring the Education
    Teachers and administrators begin bringing the education to the students. The school no longer is the hub of learning. Learning occurs in the living room or at the coffee shop. Teachers provide facilitation instead of direct instruction. Standardized tests begin to lose their value.
  • The decrease of being present

    The decrease of being present
    Students begin learning in all environments. School begins to be a hub for calibration, collaboration and focussed learning. Teachers, students and parents start to learn at a distant more and more. There is less teacher/student contact face to face but more virtual learning taking place.
  • Robotics

    In the begining of the school year, Robots begin to appear on school campuses performing functions such as Food Service Prep, Security and safety, drug and alcohol detection, instructional support etc. IT departments begin programming with an educational focus.