The Education Factory

  • Establishing Schools Per 50 Houses

    Establishing Schools Per 50 Houses
    The state of Massachusetts had a strong Calvinist Puritan population. They wanted people to know how to read the bible, so they wanted everyone to be able to read them. So they ordered that whenever a town grows to 50 households, they must pay to have a teacher. If they grew to 100 households, they must pay to have a religious teacher so that those students can attend Harvard, which was a ministry school. It affected all the boys and girls in their towns, also the parents who had to pay for it.
  • Free Education for the Poor

    Free Education for the Poor
    The state of Pennsylvania decided they wanted everyone to have an education. This affected all the children in the state and the parents who paid for it in taxes. They wanted kids to grow up being able to take over the jobs of their parents. Some kids were too poor to pay for education, so they offered free school for poor children. They expected the rich to be able to afford their own tuition.
  • SEGREGATION (Plessy Vs Ferguson)

    SEGREGATION (Plessy Vs Ferguson)
    The Committee of Citizens apparently set up a violation of law so that they could take the segregation law to court. They convinced Homer Plessy, who was 1/8 black, to sit in the whites-only train car. They then informed the train company and hired a detective to arrest him. All went according to plan. They challenged the Louisianan law of segregation, but lost the trial. But this led to many more trials and protests by others to overturn segregation.
  • SEGREGATION ENDS (Brown Vs Board of Education)

    SEGREGATION ENDS (Brown Vs Board of Education)
    The NAACP opened a case against Education board of Kansas. It involved 13 plaintiffs, one in particular was named Oliver Brown. The problem was segregation and the feelings of inferiority they said that came with it. Brown's 3rd grader had to go to a black school a mile away, while there was a white school right down the street. The court decided in favor of Brown, thereby desegregating schools from now on.

    A woman named Dolly Mapp had police come into her home without a warrant. They found some betting slips and playboys or whatever they were called back them. The police arrested her and gave her 1-7 years in prison. She appealed and took it to the Supreme Court who ruled in her favor. Evidence was thrown out. Rule extended from only federal workers to state workers too. This held officers to be accountable.

    This was a law that was an add-on to the Equal Rights Amendment. The amendment didn't include discrimination based on sex, and this was a problem for all women. They would be denied jobs or college attendance based on them being women. Introduced by Birch Bayh, the Title 9 added this sex category to Equal Rights Amendment.
  • EDUCATION FOR DISABLED (Education for all hadicapped act)

    EDUCATION FOR DISABLED (Education for all hadicapped act)
    A disabled boy was attending a school that met his special needs. The school wanted to move him to another school. His parents didn't want him to go because the new school was understaffed and underfunded. They fought the decision, and went through the process to debate it. Finally going to the Supreme Court, but the court ruled against them. Yet this did open up improvements to the act later that make it easier to sue for failing to provide education for the disabled.
  • DUE PROCESS (Goss Vs Lopez)

    DUE PROCESS (Goss Vs Lopez)
    9 students got in trouble for breaking things and being disruptive in class. They were suspended for 10 days. They took the school to court, citing that there was never any due process. The court agreed with them. They said the school has to give 24 hour notice and some sort of hearing before they can suspend the students. This case enforced due process in all schools, making sure no one can just suspend anyone for any reason. A hearing needs to first be set up, and evidence and such given.

    Immigrant families in Tyler, Texas were attending school, but were kicked out. The city of Tyler didn't want to let immigrants have an education without paying $1,000 per student per year. The families couldn't pay it. 4 families represented by civil rights lawyers went to court for this. They ended up winning. Court ruled that education will be free for all, regardless of citizenship.
  • FLAG BURNING (Texas Vs Johnson)

    FLAG BURNING (Texas Vs Johnson)
    During a protest Gregory Johnson decided to burn the US flag in Texas. This sparked great outrage among the people. He was taken to jail and given 1 year in prison. He appealed to a court, but they ruled against him. He appealed again and won. Thereby establishing that flag burning was protected by the first amendment. It was seen as symbolic and not destruction of venerated items.