The Diary of Samuel Sewall

By KT3173
  • Period: to

    The Salem Witch Trials

  • Event 1

    Samuel Sewall went to Salam, where, in the metting-house, the persons accused of witchcraft were examined. It was a very great assembly.
  • Event 2

    A petition is sent to town in behalf of Dorcas Haor, who now confesses. Accordingly an order is sent to the sheriff to forbear her execution, not with standing her being in the warrant to die tomorrow.
  • Event 3

    Wiliam Stoughton, Esq., John Hathorne, Esq., Mr. Cotton Mather, and Capt. John Higginson, and my broter, were at my house, speaking about trials of the witches. Mr. Stoughton went away and left us, it began to rain and was very dark.
  • Event 4

    Sam recites to me in Latin Mathew 12 from the 6th to the end the 12th verse. The 7th verse did awfully bring to mind the Salem tragedy.
  • Event 5

    The Copy of the bill I put up on the fast day, gave it to Mr. Willard as he passed by, and stood up at the reading of it and bowed down when he was finished. Samuel Sewall that as to the guilt contracted upon theopening of the judicial proceedings at Salem he is to take the blame and shame of it asking for pardon.