The date Anne Frank was Born -
Went to Netherlands
The month Anne Frank and her family moved to the Netherlands to keep safe from the Nazis. -
Start of Anne Frank's Diary
The day Anne Frank started her diary. This event led to character development. -
Went into Hiding
The day the Frank family went into hiding in the Secret Annex to keep safe from the Nazis invading the Netherlands. This event was a turning point -
Period: to
Time in Hiding
Romance in the Annex
When Anne and Peter started to gain feelings for each other. This event led to positive character development. -
D-Day Invasion
Date of the "D-Day" invasion. When America, Britain, and Canada invaded France. This event was a turning point. -
Found and Captured
Date Anne Frank and the seven others living in the Secret Annex were found and captured. Their two helpers, Mr. Kleiman and Mr. Kugler were also captured and arrested, but their other two helpers, Meip and Bep were not captured. -
Concentration Camps
Day Anne Frank went to the concentration camp of Bergen Belsen. This event was a turning point. -
Date of Anne Frank's Death -
Diary of a Young Girl
Date The Diary of a Young Girl was first published.