*Mexican-American War Begins
The war all started when the state of Texas gained independence from Mexico. The U.S. did not want to include it into their country and Mexico also wanted to raid its borders. -
*California Gold Rush
The gold rush in California really started early in the year 1848 when a man found gold in the lands of California, but this event really kicked off in the year 1849 when people from Mexico and even from the opposite side of the U.S. traveled to California just to get their grab of gold. -
*Slave Trade is Abolished
Towards the end of year 1850, trading between slaves is finally abolished in Washington DC -
*Utah War
The Utah war which is also refered by many other names was the confrontation between Mormon settlers and officials of the U.S. government -
*Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln is elected president of the United States of America. One of the most famous presidents in U.S. history as he contributed a lot to the end of slavery ownership. He was then assassinated five years later after his election. -
*American Civil War
To this day it is still known as the bloodiest war in American history. The battle between the Union which was made up of the U.S. government and the Confederate states. The result of this war was somewhere around 800,000 casualties and as the Union won, it was the end of slavery. War ended until 1865. The civil rights act law is passed and the creation of the 13th ammendment. -
*Ku Klux Klan
The Ku Klux Klan as we all know is one the darkest parts of American history. A group of extremists that believe in white supremacy. -
+Franco-Prussian War
This was a war between the French nation and the Germans. This victory went to the Germans and the French empire fell once again. -
The Great Chicago Fire
There was a huge fire that is rumored to have started by a cow kicking over a lantern in a barn which started a fire that spread all across Chicago and lasted from Sunday to early Tuesday morning. -
Burnham and Root become partners
Burnham and Root were the two main architects that started the design of the Chicago World Fair. Burnham soon became the director of the Expositon. -
+Samurai Class is Abolished in Japan
The Samurai class abolished along the year of 1873 as the Japanese now wanted to move on from its old culture and it begins to step out of isolation and learns from the American and European powers. -
Chicago Becomes the Second Largest City in America
As Chicago became more industrialized, it soon became more beautiful with all the tall skyscrapers. It had the second highest population in America especially after the announcement of the Columbian Exposition. -
Chicago is Chosen to Host the Columbian Exposition
After months of debate, Chicago is announced with the most votes to hold the World Fair. -
Dedication Day
This is a time when great construction was made for the World Fair as Chicago had struggled to make progress with all the buildings. Hundreds of men worked day in and day out to be on schedule. -
Opening Day
Finally the day had arrived where the Columboian Exposition had officially been announced open. Thousands of people waiting to see. Although there still some buildings that needed final touches. -
Ferris Wheel is Completed
This was by far the most popular attraction in the Fair as thousands of people from all over the world came to visit it every day. It was the tallest ferris wheel anyone had ever built at the time. Many people viewed it as a very romantic structure. People even went as far as getting married on the wheel. -
*Panic of 1893
This was a crisis in America as there was a serious economic depression between the years of 1893 and 1897 -
Patrick Prendergast Assassinates Mayor Harrison
This was a tragic day in Chicago as the city mayor is murdered by 25 year old Prendergast during the era of the World Fair. -
Closing of the Fair Along Side with the Memorial Service of Mayor Harrison
Probably the saddest day of the 1893 Columbian Exposition was its closing day. Thousands of people from all over the world now getting ready to leave what many had thought was the greatest Columbian Exposition ever held. It was seen as such a great fair because it lifted the spirits of America that were still recovering from the tragic American Civil War. The battle only occurred 30 years before and to this day is still the bloodiest in U.S. history. -
+France and Russian Empire
The French and the Russian form a military alliance -
Holmes is Given the Death Penalty
H. H. Holmes was a very famous figure in the late 19th century in Chicago but for the wrong reason. Holmes was a serial killer who was confirmed to have killed nine victims. He moved to the city of Chicago around the age of 30 during the Chicago World Fair and is reported to have killed all his victims in a hotel. -
+Olympic Games
The Olympic Games are revived in Athens in 1896 when they were originally created in a Greek city in the years of 700 B.C. -
*Plessy vs. Ferguson
Case held by the supreme court of the United States which reached a final statement of "separate but equal" for the blacks among America. -
+Spanish-American War
Battle between the American and the Spaniards. Result of war is American victory with the Treaty of Paris -
*San Francisco Plague
This was the first epidemic plague of the United States as the disease spread for around six years and then came to a slow stop. The number of people caught with the disease were 121 and 113 of those died to it.