the development of the U.S. Constitutiom

By 99999
  • Jan 31, 1215

    Magna Carta

    A document that protected the nobles' privileges and authority. it granted certain rights to all landholders: that eventually apply to all people of England.
  • Jan 11, 1295

    Parliament Begins

    Edward I has nights and burgesses from english towns summoned. this was considered the first representative parliament.
  • House of Burgesses

    The Burgesses was empowered to enact legislation for the colonies; was subject to veto by the governer. This was a legislative body.
  • Mayflower Compact

    This was written in response to to mutinous speaches: the pilgrims wanted to settle in Northern Virginia, but a decicion to settle in New England was made. It was concidered America's first constitution.
  • Gloriuos Revolution

    When William of Orange took the throne from James II in 1688. This produced a permanent realignment of power within the English constitution, adding more constaints on monarchs
  • English Bill of Rights

    This came directly as a result of the Glorious Revolution. It was to prevent the king from abusing his power.
  • Stamp Act

    A new tax imposed on the American colonists requiring them to pay a tax on printed paper: all of it. This tax was not approved by the colonial legislation, so the colonists worried more taxation would come without representation.
  • Intolerable Acts

    The Boston port act, Massachusettes government act, administration of justice act, the quartering act, and the quebec act. The intolerable acts angered the colonists because they felt their rights as Englishmen and as human beings had been violated.
  • First Continental congress

    This congress took place in Carpenter's hall Philadelphia. It included deligates from all of the colonies. During the congress they decided to make their grievences heard throughout the world especially the king and parliament.
  • Second Continental Congress

    This Congress took place in what is now Independence Hall, Philadelphia. They decided to break away from England; aditionally it was decided that Thomas Jefferson write the Declaration of Independence.
  • Articles of Confederation

    The document that told the functions of the American government after declaring independance from Great Britian. Out of this came a weak central government that mostly prevented states from conducting their own foreign diplomacy.
  • Shays' Rebellion

    Named after its pseudoleader Daniel Shays. Shays' rebellion were protests by American farmers against the state and local enforcement of tax collections and judgement of debt. This rebellion scared politicians and is the justification for replacong the Articles of Confederation.
  • Constitutional Convention

    During the constitutional convention the men present wrote the U.S.A. constitution. It was ment to be better than the Articles of confederation.
  • The Great Compromise

    This was a debate over how the states will be represented it the government. The end result was the Bicameral system we have today: the house of representatives and the senate.
  • Federalist Papers

    Essays ment to convince New Yorkers to ratify the new US constitution. They are also a source for interpreting and understanding the intent of the constitution.
  • Constitution Ratified by 2/3 of the states

    This was the number of states, 9, required to ratify the new constitution. It was controversial because the Articles of confederation could only be amended by a unanimous vote. In the end all 13 states ratified it.
  • Bill of Rights

    This document described the rights of the citizens. It was aproved on December, 15 1791 when Virginia becane the 10th sate to ratify it; giving it 2/3 majority.