The National Trade Union
The first national union was founded in 1834 -
CommonWealth vs. Hunt
Massachusette cournt ruled that union were legal -
Hy\aymarket Riot
Harvesters workers clashed with police four strikers were killed -
American federation of Labor
Founded by Samuel Gompers, organized skilled workers by craft. They fought for higher wages, shorter hours, and improved working conditions through collective bargaining -
United Mine Workers
IMprove ages and working conditions -
The Homestead Strike
Steel workers in Homestead, Pennsylvania struck against the Carnegie Steel plant because the ompany had reduced wages.The Homestead Strike of 1892 became violent when the steel companys hired private police to protect strike breakers. In the ensuing confrontation, nine strikers and seven police officers were killed -
American Railway union
Railroad fireman Eugene v, Debs founded the company -
Pullman Company
manufactured sleeping and dining cars, went on strike because their wages had been cut. Acting out of sympathy for the Pullman workers, conductors and engineer of American Railway Union refused to handle trains with Pullman car attached -
The International Workers of the World
Organized in 1905 for unskilled workers and immigrants, advocated one large national union that would use strikes and sabotage to achive its goal as opposedto the more peaceful American Federation of Labor -
Clayton Act
Allowed picketing and limited the use of injunctions in labor disputes -
National Labor Relatons Acts
Protected the rights of workers to organize and elect representatives for collective bargaining. Also in this year, the CIO, Congress of industrial Organization, was formed by serval AFL unions to promote unionism in idustry -
Fair Labor Standard Act
Established a minimum wage and time abd a half for over forty hours of work a week -
Fair Labor Act
Prohibited child labor -
Merged in 1955