
The Development of Technology in Education 1960 -2020

  • Midwest Program on Airborne Television Instruction (MPATI)

    Midwest Program on Airborne Television Instruction (MPATI)
    1960s the Ford Foundation and its related agencies invested more than $170 million in educational television. One of the most innovative efforts at this time was the Midwest Program on Airborne Television Instruction (MPATI) which employed airplanes to transmit televised lessons over a six-state area. https://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/2495/Technology-in-Education-SCHOOL.
  • Overhead Projector

    Overhead Projector
    Roger Appeldorn, an employee of the 3M Company, invented the overhead projector in the early 1960s. Marketed specifically to business people and teachers, the overhead projector allowed users to write on a clear piece of film and project their work on a screen, such as math problems.
  • Period: to

    The development of educational technology 1960 -2020

  • Instructional Television

    Instructional Television
    Instructional television was a way to stay current with technology. however Larry Cuban estimates that primary school students spent approximately 5 hours each weak receiving instruction.
    (Cuban, 1986. p. 32).
    Cuban, L. (1990). Reforming Again, Again, and Again. Educational Researcher, 19(1), 3-13. Retrieved March 24, 2021, from http://www.jstor.org/stable/1176529
  • Mainframes and Minicomputers

    Mainframes and Minicomputers
    Elementary and Secondary Education Act brings new money into schools for technology. mainframes and minicomputers are put into place in some schools, but most are used for administration or for school counseling (databases for information a bout and for students)
  • Handheld Calculators

    Handheld Calculators
    Jack Kilby, Jerry Merryman and James Van Tassel, three engineers at Texas Instruments, invented the handheld calculator in 1967. As a replacement for the slide rule, the handheld calculator was a battery-powered instrument based upon an integrated circuit. Beginning in 1972, students could also purchase a pocket scientific calculator, which cost about $135. https://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/search/object/nmah_1329686
  • 1st node to node message

    1st node to node message
    Advanced Research Projects Agency Network delivered it's first message from one computer to another.
  • Ethernet & Mouse

    Ethernet & Mouse
    Ethernet- a technology protocol that allows different computers t o connect to each other was developed at Xerox Corp.'s Palo Alto Research Center along with the "mouse" and laser printer
  • TCP/IP

    Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf developed Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol, or TCP/IP, a communications model that set standards for how data could be transmitted between multiple networks. https://www.history.com/news/who-invented-the-internet#:~:text=The%20first%20workable%20prototype%20of,communicate%20on%20a%20single%20network.
  • E-Mail

    Ray Tomlinson, a computer engineer developed a system to send email's called "SNDMSG". This was not the first computer to computer message but it was the first message send to another computer for a person to access, later to be called email. Tomlinson was also the one who first used the @ to separate the name from the host to identify where the person's email was being hosted. https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/news/60at60/2015/8/1971-first-ever-email-392973
  • Scantron

    In 1972 an Engineer by the name of Michael Sokolski invented the Scantron machine which was a variation of OMR - Optical Mark recognition machines. The Scantron allowed teachers to grade standardized Multiple choice tests. During tests, students recorded their answers by darkening small ovals with #2 pencils, which were later scanned and evaluated using optical mark recognition (OMR) technology.
  • Personal Computers

    Personal Computers
    While the first personal computer was made in 1974 by a company called ALTAIR, it was in 1977 that it was mass produced for schools, universities businesses and individuals, by Apple, Tandy Radio Shack & Commodore Business Machines. https://www.britannica.com/technology/personal-computer
  • Apple II

    Apple II
    Apple supplied 500 computers to schools in the state of Minnesota http://hackeducation.com/2015/02/25/kids-cant-wait-apple
  • Data Projector

    Data Projector
    the data projector was developed which takes signals from a video source, such as a computer or television, and projects an image on a projection screen.
  • IBM

    IBM is the first mainframe manufacturer to develop a PC; drill and practice CAI gains acceptance in schools.
  • Beginning of Networks

    Beginning of Networks
    Research began by ARPNET to assemble a network of networks that would later become the modern internet. Where teachers and students can conduct research and share data.
  • Microsoft Word

    Microsoft Word
    MS Word was launched by Richard Brodie and Charles Simonyi of the Microsoft Corporation.
  • World Wide Web (WWW)

    World Wide Web (WWW)
    Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. This is not to be confused with the internet itself. It is rather the way of accessing data, websites and hyperlinks.
  • LMS

    The first Learning Management System was introduced by Soft Arc and was called First Class
  • Interactive Whiiteboard

    Interactive Whiiteboard
    The first board was developed by XEROX PARC
    which would over the years improve to what we use today in classrooms as smartboards or jam boards on google.
  • Google

    Google was created. Now synonymous with searching and many classrooms.
  • USB Storage

    USB Storage
    M-Systems launched the first USB flash drive in 2000 that was first conceptualized in 1998 by Dov Moran according to https://itstillworks.com/invented-usb-flash-drive-5484089.html Students & Teachers can now store their work easily.
  • You Tube

    You Tube
    The You Tube website was created opening up the space for many instructional videos teachers and students use.
  • Zoom

    When the Covid-19 pandemic engulfed the world, schools had to find a new way to deliver the curriculum and the Zoom app that was created years before, found its common place in the classroom. Now students and teachers can interact from the comfort from their home.
  • Google Classroom

    Google Classroom
    Google classroom becomes one of the apps that replaces the physical classroom.
  • Schools closed

    Schools closed
    Schools were closed due to the Covid -19 Pandemic and online teaching unofficially began for Teachers who had students writing CSEC exams.