
The Development Of Democracy

  • 1754 BCE

    The Code of King Hammurabi

    The Code of King Hammurabi
    the code of king Hammurabi was the first known account of the innocent until proven guilty method of punishment we use today in our society.
  • 1215

    King John I: Magna Carta

    king john was unpopular with the people so the freemen came to him with a list of regulations in witch they made him sign that give the freemen more power and limit the power of the king and since that day no monarch has obtained full 100% absolute power over the people
  • 1215

    King John I: Magna Carta

    King John I: Magna Carta
    the Magna Carta was created by the freemen of England to bring more power to them and take some away from king john who was very unpopular with the people of England at the time. the Magna Carta only helped the freemen not slaves, the poor, children, or women
  • John Locke: Concerning Civil Government

    John Locke was a philosopher who was fed up with how the people of England were being treated so, he wrote an essay that he called the second treatise on government.
  • John Locke: Concerning Civil Government

    John Locke: Concerning Civil Government
    John Locke was a philosopher who was fed up with the way the government was being run so, he wrote an essay titled The Two Treatises Of Civil Government.
  • Declaration Of The Rights Of Man

    Declaration Of The Rights Of Man
    the governors of France believed that the neglect for the rights of men were the reason for high disturbance levels in the streets of France so, they decided on rights that must be followed,
  • Amendment XV to Constitution of the U.S.

    Amendment XV to Constitution of the U.S.
    The addition of Amendment XV was the right to give
    African-American men the right to vote. This was a large step in overcoming past mistakes.
  • New Zealand: Election Act

    New Zealand: Election Act
    In 1893 New Zealand became the first nation to allow women to participate in government by giving them permission to vote.
  • U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    In 1948 the U.N created a list of rights that every person male or female, young or old were protected under this list is still around today but slight changes have been made.
  • European Member States

    European Member States
    in 1951 different countries throughout Europe decided to form a union called the European Union that dealt with monetary and other governmental issues in their countries.